week 2
I started 4 seeds (3 for Thunderdome and 1 for another project). All sprouted. All got as far as dropping helmets. Three promptly wilted and disappeared. The surviving WTF looked like she was a gonner too. I think fungus gnats ate the roots, and I found a thrip munching on what was left. I was embarrassed to even post a pic of the sorry, sick little runt. I sprayed with spinosad, and mixed mosquito bits with the nutes. Now she's 2 weeks old and looks like she might survive, so here are pics at one week and at 2 weeks. Not much difference, but at least she's turning green. For comparison, my first try at WTF was ready to top above node 5 at 3 weeks, and wound up producing 13 oz. of killer bud, with a tangle of branches that was hard to unravel at chop time. My Okie mom (RIP) used to say "If y'ain't good fer nuthin' else, you can always serve as a bad example." So here you are, at 1 week old and today at 2 weeks:

(you can see the thrip in the first photo)

(you can see the thrip in the first photo)
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