Yours is a different thing GTG,... This RM showed the weird crinkled texture and brittleness from the get-go that a SexBud (Female) I ran a few years ago had, but she was much weaker than Kyote's RM... His has shown some vigor, and what looks to me normal blooming... I kept the little mutie SexBud anyway, and she made some fine buds after all... And she smelled like fresh apricots, uncannily so!
So I told our mate here to just ride her out, and it paid off!
Kyote my man, things look fantastic so far in this wonky-ass blooming season -

... that damn EBBCS #2 is starting to make me grind my teeth as well-

... damn buggers are supposed to be fast, easy triggering (in theory

),... but you know, thinking back, a mate here, Ribbzzy, ran a couple CS's last year and they were not as quick as one would expect for such a cross with significant auto content -

... I'll chat more with the breeder of our EBB crosses, and see what his experience is this year with his CS and x's,...
Female has been a great breeder for me so far, they were a quiet but quality company... You and
@Growtogrow ought to eyeball their line up some time...

Outdoor Grapefruit was an awesome Sati-dom plant, fast, mold resistant, gorgeous plant and buds, surely one of the best I have grown to date! Skunk Special, (sweet candy-citrus pheno') ditto, with nose blasting terp content... That one made be woozy and had a slight headache after I got done just chopping and prepp'ing her for trimming!
Mimosa Champagne, indi-dom, was also fantastic rich berry candy/dairy terps, solid gummy buds, fast and mold resistant too...
Anyway, I digress -

... my little late start EBBCS is sorta making hint at starting bloom, top main is looking promising but a few days yet to confirm,...
Keep the PK coming Kyote, breeder showed me some nice bud of this cross, but it's a pheno thing too as you may suspect! You saw how the EBB x S99 looked for me, but late in the game she improved a lot... a ton of trim, but the buds look better than I expected. Should be dry in a few days so I'l let the dry porn do some talking :smoking:
Glad the BBgum is finally getting busy-

...that one is a Mystery.... but hopefully 5-6 weeks and she'll be done!
RM looks yummy, she wasn't an especially high bud:leaf either, it's the trait of the Purple Kush used in breeding, most all the Red Family seem to show this to some degree... Are you getting licorice notes in the orange grove yet?
Meantime, it's gonna be a real tester year for Phyter, eh? I can't believe I'm staring at a late OCt/early Nov. finish, for the DOHz at least... Still late Sept.early Oct. for WLD's, 2-3 weeks off the usual!

I posted the EBB x S99v4 in the Phyter thread, BTW,... I think Phyter made a significant difference in mold resistance, that plant got cold drizzly night 3-4 time late in bloom, and only 1 tiny early mold spot found deep inside... Encouraging news!