I really gotta make some jerk. I love that shit, and it's so easy. My oven even has a jerky setting

S. Gonna put this on the to-do list. Look for some fried rice & beef jerky from me sometime sooner than later.
Some pics from the other days. My awesome root veggie roast with foil top off-on-off. That's the secret...let em steam and release water...then let em cook proper with a top, then crank em for 15 mins uncovered to finish strong.
I made some shaved steak Sammies the other day that were delicious, but I didn't have a phone handy so I just got em now.
I just finished making some coffee rub + coffee shellac'd country style ribs. I didn't have any charcoal so I made a rub and threw em in the oven at 290° for about 80 mins. Took the pork coffee juice that came from that and reduced it to a high gloss syrup. Used that to make a little saucey with some bbq, vinegar, coffee rub, coffee, brown sugar and mustard. It's about a 6 on the sweetness, pretty thin, almost like light amber maple syrup when it's warm, and a 9/10 on the shiny scale.
Whipped up some fried potatoes from NB's grandma's recipe...sort of. Nobody makes em as good as her, it's like fuckin magic I tells ya. All the grandkids attempt to make em, and they are all over the place...some closer than others. This is close, but still not hers. Bubble girl used to make em on point years and years ago...but we moved and she didn't make em for a minute and lost it. One of the big secrets is definitely the pan. A big cheap flat non-stick Walmart special is your friend here. I think the potatoes themselves have a lot to do with it as well. Grandma used last night's baked potatoes a lot. Which are always white potatoes, I don't think I've ever seen a russet or a yellow tater over there at NBG&G's crib. (Nurse Bubble's Grandma & Grandpa) Sadly, she is going downhill and things are starting to slip. Her cooking is not the only thing suffering. She has been making some odd palette decisions....like WAY too much salt in one thing and then no salt at all in the next thing. Getting old sucks.
Speaking of getting old...our little buddy Puddles passed away yesterday. He was a fat little rat that looked like a cow. Super friendly and very intelligent. He would pick on my cat sometimes. He hung out with us every single night and would ride around on NBs shoulder. This one time at McDonald's, the stupid money taker girl wouldn't even grab the money because he was on her shoulder It's been super upsetting and Bubbles the wife has taken it extra hard, I got a bit of the waterworks myself.
RIP Pudd Pudd