My earthworm bin must be fully packed with microbial activity! I pulled a bucket of rainwater from outside to make some tea late last night. The water was pretty cold. I thought of running some hot water in the bathtub and stick the buck there to let the water warm it up. I said to hell with that and just put the stone and compost in the bucket.
In a cut up panty hose, I added three handfuls of compost, two tablespoons of alfalfa and Thorvin kelp that I made into a powder and a handful of MY earthworm castings to about 4 gals.
Silly ass cats outside woke me, so as I get a drink, I see the bucket already with a huge foamhead already built up. This was only like 4 hours after starting in COLD water. For those that have used Recharge and brewed it for a few hours, it was just as dramatic with the amount of foam produced.
I'm still gonna add the Recharge and brew it for a couple of hours more sometime today. Hopefully the water will be a good bit warmer by then. If not, I'll just have to stick it in the tub. I try to always use water at room temps. No stress to the plants and no knock on the biological activity.
I've been debating on adding worms to the 7gal pots. I think I'm just gonna do it. I'll add them, add a thin layer of compost, lay some Timothy hay on top and water with the compost tea. I guess we'll see how well they cope with the small pots. They should be able to move up and down with the moisture levels. I doubt they will thrive near as well as those in the EarthBoxes, hopefully they will be able to reproduce. It will be an interesting experiment.
I'll tape up the cutouts in the EBs and get some shot glasses when I go get a digital thermometer to make some infused chocolate today. This should help the moisture levels at the top of the EBs and promote better formation of the bokashi mat.
I'll post pics of everything set up. I'll do all the above at the start of the new light cycle after 5pm.
A peek at the girls showed a noticeable amount of growth and new leaves. It may just be strain difference, but I can already see a difference in the EarthBox growth. HBSS is reported to get big in the right conditions indoors and I hope this is the case in the EBs.
I sure hope I can get similar results as ol' MOB and his Sam;s Crack! I sure wish he was still with us!
My earthworm bin must be fully packed with microbial activity! I pulled a bucket of rainwater from outside to make some tea late last night. The water was pretty cold. I thought of running some hot water in the bathtub and stick the buck there to let the water warm it up. I said to hell with that and just put the stone and compost in the bucket.
In a cut up panty hose, I added three handfuls of compost, two tablespoons of alfalfa and Thorvin kelp that I made into a powder and a handful of MY earthworm castings to about 4 gals.
Silly ass cats outside woke me, so as I get a drink, I see the bucket already with a huge foamhead already built up. This was only like 4 hours after starting in COLD water. For those that have used Recharge and brewed it for a few hours, it was just as dramatic with the amount of foam produced.
I'm still gonna add the Recharge and brew it for a couple of hours more sometime today. Hopefully the water will be a good bit warmer by then. If not, I'll just have to stick it in the tub. I try to always use water at room temps. No stress to the plants and no knock on the biological activity.
I've been debating on adding worms to the 7gal pots. I think I'm just gonna do it. I'll add them, add a thin layer of compost, lay some Timothy hay on top and water with the compost tea. I guess we'll see how well they cope with the small pots. They should be able to move up and down with the moisture levels. I doubt they will thrive near as well as those in the EarthBoxes, hopefully they will be able to reproduce. It will be an interesting experiment.
I'll tape up the cutouts in the EBs and get some shot glasses when I go get a digital thermometer to make some infused chocolate today. This should help the moisture levels at the top of the EBs and promote better formation of the bokashi mat.
I'll post pics of everything set up. I'll do all the above at the start of the new light cycle after 5pm.
A peek at the girls showed a noticeable amount of growth and new leaves. It may just be strain difference, but I can already see a difference in the EarthBox growth. HBSS is reported to get big in the right conditions indoors and I hope this is the case in the EBs.
I sure hope I can get similar results as ol' MOB and his Sam;s Crack! I sure wish he was still with us!