I did a search fer TeeHee and Night Queen.
Cheers Wild Bill, I thought that review was lost in the internet after DP re-did their site.
That wasn't the only time I made the DP blog....

AutoNight Queen, AutoDaiquiri Lime, AutoColorado Cookies - Dutch Passion Blogs
This weeks multi-strain grow review shows great looking home grown cannabis plants. The AutoNight Queen is one of the stronger Dutch Passion autoflowers.

and also...

AutoUltimate heavy harvest from two plants - Dutch Passion Blogs
In this weeks review grower ‘TeeTee’ had a heavy harvest of 1 Kg with AutoUltimate. Dutch Passion AutoUltimate is one of the heaviest yielding modern autos.

I really like the graphic designs they put on the reviews.... I wonder if they were made especially for me?
I would love to get one tattoo'd on my back... especially the one with the snakes around the plant!