New Grower MoAB, Caramelicious, Jackberry first grow

sorry i lost track :baked: @ me if ya stuck :thumbsup: or any/all the peeps names down below just add the @ @beachbuds :pass:it could be mag def...but im shit at this game :frowny: but they got great structure :smokeit: probably genetics,raising the light may help with stretch a tad.only just starting to show sex,a bit late but :coffee2:
good luck n keep er lit
Update: turns out my pH strips were shit. Received an Apera pH20 and a ppM meter, calibrated the pH meter at 7 and 4 and measured my water. Tap coming in at pH7.8, 465 ppM. Probably been there the whole entire grow so far, 7 weeks. Well at least I have the gear now to fix this. Flushed each plant with 2 gallons of pH 6.5 tap and rest the blumat resevoir to pH 6.5. Checked the pH of the runoff 20 min after the second flush and it was coming in at pH 6.7 so hopefully I’m back on track and out of nute lockout mode.

ppM after pH adjustment goes to 520. is this insanely high to use?
D60 update: switched lights to 12/12 from the 24/0 cycle 5 days ago because they just were not flowering. What my untrained eyes thought were pistils were in fact just dense incoming new leaves. Seeds were from a friend who now is not sure they are even autos. Doh! Also cleaned up the pH issue caused by my shitty (old) pH strips and total lack of experience:) Was off a whole 1.3 points so my water going in had been at 7.8 for the whole grow, not 6.5. Ughh. Apera 20 pH and a TDS meter now added to the tool box. Plants perked up within 2 days after the pH fix. New growth has no signs of interveinal chlorosis and appears to have sped up again. Also did some defoliation last week to open up the airflow around the base in prep for some stretching. Bottom feeding with 1/4 strength big bloom + tiger bloom + grow big in RO water 3x/week and dripping Blumats with straight pH 6.5 water. The nute feed is registering in at 1720 tds after pH up from 4.9 to 6.5 and the Blumat resevoire is 300tds currently but steadily working down to just pure RO water (20tds) as I dilute out the residual tap.

Couple of pics taken through the lens of my vivosun safety glasses. Those red bars are shark bite tubing that I’m using to hold the sides of the tent open. Since I’m running the lights at night and dark during the day, all the vents are closed and the tent was collapsing due to the negative pressure. Looks like I need all the space I can get in my 3x3 for these, especially if I’m gonna go for another 8 weeks.


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D60 update: switched lights to 12/12 from the 24/0 cycle 5 days ago because they just were not flowering. What my untrained eyes thought were pistils were in fact just dense incoming new leaves. Seeds were from a friend who now is not sure they are even autos. Doh! Also cleaned up the pH issue caused by my shitty (old) pH strips and total lack of experience:) Was off a whole 1.3 points so my water going in had been at 7.8 for the whole grow, not 6.5. Ughh. Apera 20 pH and a TDS meter now added to the tool box. Plants perked up within 2 days after the pH fix. New growth has no signs of interveinal chlorosis and appears to have sped up again. Also did some defoliation last week to open up the airflow around the base in prep for some stretching. Bottom feeding with 1/4 strength big bloom + tiger bloom + grow big in RO water 3x/week and dripping Blumats with straight pH 6.5 water. The nute feed is registering in at 1720 tds after pH up from 4.9 to 6.5 and the Blumat resevoire is 300tds currently but steadily working down to just pure RO water (20tds) as I dilute out the residual tap.

Couple of pics taken through the lens of my vivosun safety glasses. Those red bars are shark bite tubing that I’m using to hold the sides of the tent open. Since I’m running the lights at night and dark during the day, all the vents are closed and the tent was collapsing due to the negative pressure. Looks like I need all the space I can get in my 3x3 for these, especially if I’m gonna go for another 8 weeks.

yup, if it'z day 60 & still no pistilz, u jus may have gotten photoz...oh boy, right-? :doh: but hey, glad to hear u got the ph thing straightened'z all about live-n-learn ;) ppp
I got the exact same problem beachbuds with a DP lemon zkittles shes 62 days old shes a photo 100%

Since these are clearly photos not autos, if you all want me to stop my journal on so as to not dilute the purpose of this forum, I totally get that. Just let me know.

In the meantime, I had another $700 burning a hole in my pocket so I upgraded my gear. 4x4 tent, 4 ea 3500K Autocobs, and a new exhaust fan setup. Now running 2 tents and the plan is to pop my other MOAB seed and learn how to make clones and seeds in the smaller tent, supplement the blurple with CFLs until I can get another autocob light. The genetics of the MOAB strain are pretty amazing: Blueberry 420 x Chem dawg crossed with a Blue Dream XTRM x Hindu Kush so figure it’s a decent start to work these these next steps.

Some Pics to enjoy! Oh and fixing pH situation really made a difference. The plants were thriving under the weak blurple so I can’t wait to see what happens under the COBs!


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Since these are clearly photos not autos, if you all want me to stop my journal on so as to not dilute the purpose of this forum, I totally get that. Just let me know.

In the meantime, I had another $700 burning a hole in my pocket so I upgraded my gear. 4x4 tent, 4 ea 3500K Autocobs, and a new exhaust fan setup. Now running 2 tents and the plan is to pop my other MOAB seed and learn how to make clones and seeds in the smaller tent, supplement the blurple with CFLs until I can get another autocob light. The genetics of the MOAB strain are pretty amazing: Blueberry 420 x Chem dawg crossed with a Blue Dream XTRM x Hindu Kush so figure it’s a decent start to work these these next steps.

Some Pics to enjoy! Oh and fixing pH situation really made a difference. The plants were thriving under the weak blurple so I can’t wait to see what happens under the COBs!

:yoinks: noooooo, don't stooooop! :smoking: it'z jus me own 2 ctz, but me thinkz this would be jus fine leavin it jus where it is...i mean, technically, u are a new grower still, so it'z in the right section as far as that goez, so...hehe :rolleyes2: however, if ur conscience really startz goin haywire or sumthin, lol, i'm sure u could get archie to move it to the photosensitive section...hell man, ur not "diluting" anything, ur growin weed! :headbang: and that, my friend, is the whole purpose here ;) so movin right along, it def soundz & lookz like ur fixin to rock the house with ur new expansion, fer sur! :shooty: i luv thoze geneticz of the moab, so i'll def be continuin to follow along :thumbsup: ppp
D69 update:

Plants are thriving insanely under the Autocobs and the extra space of the 4x4! The light penetration is incredible and the heat is non-existent. Opening them up with a little LST and they are still stretching. Huge upgrade in growth from the blurple, I’m a convert. Looks like the MOAB has a slight Ca and Mg deficiency, a few rust spots and some yellowing. A resurgence of the iron lock-out is possible I guess, however I’m fastidiously keeping the nute feed water at 6.5. The runoff is coming off at 6.4 so nute lockout seems unlikely. Will up the addition of the True organic Cal/Mag OAC from 1 ml to 2 ml per gallon and see if that makes a difference. Not stressing too much about it as it could just be the lime green new growth that seems like a lot of people see in week 2-3 of flower/stretch.


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