Mephisto Genetics GRAPE WALKER KUSH No.28

couple of real beauties!, good job growing and reporting!:d5:

Thanks trail, I've refined my watering methods since these..At the time,I was spacing out the watering too far so that slapped them short letting the medium dry out and going hydrophobic on me...They still did pretty nice,but every watering it wasn't penetrating the medium like I thought it was..I have a few more of these and could definitely do them more justice now.
Thanks trail, I've refined my watering methods since these..At the time,I was spacing out the watering too far so that slapped them short letting the medium dry out and going hydrophobic on me...They still did pretty nice,but every watering it wasn't penetrating the medium like I thought it was..I have a few more of these and could definitely do them more justice now.
getting watering right to get max root growth per pot takes some time and patience, at least for me:biggrin:, makes a big difference in plant growth though
getting watering right to get max root growth per pot takes some time and patience, at least for me:biggrin:, makes a big difference in plant growth though

Especially with the fabric pots and peat in my soil mix...I've started using surfactants..All I can say is, game changer.
Thanks trail, I've refined my watering methods since these..At the time,I was spacing out the watering too far so that slapped them short letting the medium dry out and going hydrophobic on me...They still did pretty nice,but every watering it wasn't penetrating the medium like I thought it was..I have a few more of these and could definitely do them more justice now.

What are you doing different for checking whether to water or not now?
Are you using surfactants in your watering and spraying? Or just sprays?

I never spray anything unless it is neem oil and Castile soap as IPM..but I rarely do that,mostly on outdoor plants..I use a few drops of Castile in the water and do a soil drench with can go right in with your nutes or whatever you use.
What are you doing different for checking whether to water or not now?

Just by adding a few drops of Castile to my soil drenches ( waterings ) it helps the water penetrate the medium thoroughly..I water slowly circling the base of the plant all the way around then move my way out to the rim of the pot circling all the way around so the entire surface is covered..Through trial and error I would start at watering every 6 days and as they grow bring it down to 5 and see how they respond, then down to 4 and see how they respond and so on until you figure out how your medium and plants respond moisture wise...When I was watering before without the Castile,especially with Promix in my soil mix, I would dump the pots at harvest and there would be dusty dry patches around the root zone..The whole time I was trying to figure out why my plants were fading early especially when I was using teas with a well amended,composted mix..It turns out,the plants weren't accessing everything the pot had to offer because my medium wasn't getting thoroughly saturated due to going hydrophobic from drying out too long.
@Green Goblin thanks for the info.

I have to empty a pot that just finished and I'll have a look at the roots. I'm using autopots so I would think that anything I can do to improve things so the plants wick better from the bottom root ball would be worth trying out. Maybe it won't be a game changer for me, or maybe it will.

I can get some Polysorbate 20 (also known as Tween 20) locally and from what I read online in the last 30 minutes this stuff would work. I can also get Castile liquid soaps locally.