@EvilScotsman ... well, shite, isn't the Scottish Thistle the national Flower or something? It's on heralds, flags, shields, a lot right?

besides, all the red hair on yer legs will protect yeh!
** (from a several pages back)--- fungus gnats

more irritating than a real danger unless the larvae population goes utterly ape-shit in the pot,.. adults are no danger to the plants directly, they are little more than flying gonads!

Yes, the dunks, or better yet, granules are biological weapons, containing Bacillus thuringiensis, and BTW, so does the caterpillar control spray... the difference is in the specific strain of Bt in them, and I'm not sure if there is cross-over effectiveness between them,,, the 'squito dunks are var.
israelensis, the caterpillar strain is var.
kurstaki,... Obviously, there is some cross-over killing power if gnats, relatives to 'squito's, are affected as well,... but the jump to lepidopteran genera may not work,... I any case, they work damn well! For gnats, ! like to make a tea of sorts with the dunks/granules (Bonide makes a good product):
--1 gal dechlorinated water
--1T molasses
-- a dash of nutes
... mix it all up and aerate for a day or so in w warm place, to bring the bacteria out of dormancy and get the population a jump start; water fairly well, no need to saturate the medium though... I find this controls the gnats for most if not all the grow, and I'm outside,.. endless supply of gnats!