Well thank the laws of nature for that for that. I was starting to sweat a bit there. Baggied them 5days ago to the hour. 36 hours to split. I put them in root riots 12 hours later with only a tiny root each. Left them in dark/warm for 24 hours then turned 240 t/w LED on 48 hours ago at 32 inches. just lowered it to 24 inches. Never used any of this equipment before so i'll be on the side of caution with everything but plant abuse. During my first grow (this is 2nd) I topped a church then when it was 10 weeks or so sliced it right down the "y" and taped it back together. This bitch went crazy!!! One top at 4th node shall be all the hst here though. Actually no just so we can all see a comparison i'll top one and "Fuck I Missed" The other . Sorted. Anyway ....
when i left for work this morning they were still nowhere to be seen and i thought i was going to have to hang my head in shame.
But no!
Ladies and Gentleman of the jury it is my proud duty to in troduce you to......
Cody Lane on the left. she's the go'er of them clearly.
And on the right we have Anastacia. She's still to come out of her shell.
Much like there human counterparts, these girls are about to spend their lives being strapped down, tied up, having their ponytails pulled and generall getting a good old slap about for the majority of their days. And theyre gonna fu$%*ng love it!!!
How long do they usually take in the root riots before transpant to rockwool though? I'm waiting till i see some decent roots. As with the rockwool. Other than some 10% recommended dose of root boost, soaked into their grodans they wont be getting anything for at least another 2 weeks. I had to give them a dip into ph5.9 water lastnight as had dried right out but theyll be fine untill the morning at least. Happy chappy though.