PH Plan Quick Start

Well I got to the 12th page and I've never seen a thread with so much information and compassion! I'm going to the VA tomorrow and I want to make sure it's ok for me to take the Arm&Hammer stuff. Aunty Mossy, I've heard about keeping your bodies ph balance in check, but you here so much stuff and I've tried so many different things that didn't help, or maybe helped a little at first! So I checked my ph for the 1st time approx. 30 minutes ago and it was 4.9. I'm trying to fight off a gout attack and also planned on getting a cortisone shot tomorrow too. I copied the test I seen, so let's see how bad I score!

Self Check List
#1. Can you touch your Toes..easily..? Answer: No!
count 1 point if you answer no.

#2. Do you have a crease on your ear-lobe..? Answer: I have no ideal!
count 1 point if you answer yes.

#3. Do you have all the half-moons on your fingernails..? Answer: I don't think I have any!
count 1 point for every one you have Missing.

#4. Do you have a family History of Arthritis..? Answer: Yes
count 1 point for a yes.

#5. Do you have Nerve pain..? Answer: Yes
count 1 point for yes.

#6. Do you have a family history of any other Autoimmune disease..? no, but do have niece w/ crones disease.
count 1 point for any AID.

#7. Do you have a family history of Diabetes type 2..? Answer: yes .. my mother
count 1 point for yes.

#8. Do you have a family history of Osteoporosis..? Answer: yes
count 1 point for a yes.

#9. Do you get Migraines..? Answer: no
count 1 point for yes.

#10. Do you have Restless Legs..? Answer: no
count 1 point for yes.

#11. Do you have shoulder/neck spasms..? Answer: Yes, old injuries to both shoulders
count 1 point for yes.

#12. Do you have Fibromyalgia..? Answer: no
count 1 point for yes.

#13. Do you look prematurely Wrinkled..? Answer: no
count 1 point for yes.

#14. Do you suffer from Depression..? Answer: yes, chronic depression and ptsd
count 1 point for yes.

#15. Do you suffer from SAD..? Answer: not sure
count 1 point for yes.

#16. Do you want to Hibernate in the winter..? Answer: yes
count 1 point for yes.

#17. Do you have a family history of Altzheimers..? Answer: Don't think so
count 1 point for yes.

#18. Do you suspect you have a carbohydrate sensitivity..? Answer: I don't know
count 1 point for yes.

#19. Do you suffer from Insomnia...? Answer: yes
count 5 points for yes.

#20. Are you Tired all the Time..? Answer: yes
count 5 points for yes

Have you Forgotten your Score..?......damn..Brain-Fog add another 5 points... Sorry, I was going to go back and count afterwards, but knowing me ... I would have forgot!

:check::check::check::check::check: +5

If you have answered Yes to 3 or more of the above the chances are that you Are
already in a Low PH situation with a Magnesium deficiency..and you Need to
adjust your diet/PH to avoid a Long Term Chronic Illness.

Thank you, thank you very much

Wow. By page 9, I was leaking tears.
I was right there with you, one reason I had to skip, but more importantly .. I really want to do this!!
:pimphand: Max rep slap for admitting something, that I was to weak to say .. Thank you! :thanks:
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Best of luck @Need4Weed ...once you get your pH where it should be, it becomes easier to control by just eating sensibly with plenty of greens for the most part...though winter time may need some baking soda or magnesium baths...of which I enjoyed earlier this evening :soak:

Thanks @Duggy! I have so many medical problems that if I listed them all, I would surely forget something! I'll try to name a few; A-fib, severe heart failure, (it progressed from congestive), high blood pressure, kidney failure, diabetic, but no longer on meds. I've had 4 bouts of melanoma skin cancer, arthritis, degenerative joint disease, gout and I'm sure I've forgotten something! Oh yeah, ptsd and chronic depression. The list could still expand, but anyways ... I figured the info would be needed to get an ideal of my condition. Back in November of last yr, I was in the hospital for 5 days for vertigo ... after numerous tests. It scared me pretty good and I had been eating healthier ever since, (-20lbs). However, recently money has gotten tight and I've had to quit buying healthy choice dinners and other supposedly healthy things. Now I'm tring to eat very little of what I cook for my boys, hamburger helper, ect Hopefully, finances will be improving soon and I can get back to healthier eating. Also, if I could afford a juicer, I would love to start juicing! :peace:

PS: One more thing, I did take a 40mg water pill today to try and help flush out the uric acid, so I'm not sure if that's going to effect my ph or not. It's scary to think that it could be lower if I hadn't took the water pill! :shrug:
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It would likely effect the pH of the urine...just take note of pH over a few days and get a baseline..:pass:

Thanks for the support @Duggy ... I checked it 3 time yesterday and each time was 4.9. I have to leave pretty shortly, but I will try and get a morning reading, and post it before I leave for the day! :thanks:
Thanks for the support @Duggy ... I checked it 3 time yesterday and each time was 4.9. I have to leave pretty shortly, but I will try and get a morning reading, and post it before I leave for the day! :thanks:

I checked again this morning and hour after waking up and it was the same 4.9
I tested a couple times since and was edging up around 5.2 and a little while ago it flirted with 6.0 and finally settled there. @Duggy I want to thank everyone so much for sharing their stories and giving me the encouragement to get started and helping me believe that I can actually do this. I've had no problems fasting, but I do need to read up on the other stuff you guys were recommending! Rather than posting my results in what I now realize is more of an informational thread, I'm going to journal my progress and get healthy again. My only drawback is that sometimes I forget a dose or because of another med, it can make side effects worse. Speaking of which, besides no dry farts attempts while under this regime, I would also advise against suddenly bending over as well! :crying:
You are doing Great Need4Weed!
It would be a good idea to start your own thread and journal your progress!
Once you get your Ph up you'll start feeling better.
Eek and I did the PH Plan a few years ago and it has really changed our lives and health.
We are eating better...which is not easy on a budget! I use a lot of the recipes that are posted here in
I have to change some of the ingredients because Eek is diabetic and we can only afford store bought butter and meats (instead of grass fed etc.), but it's healthier than processed box foods and less expensive in the long run.
How old are your boys? Any time is a good time to teach them about Ph and eating right.
A big plus is when they see you feeling better...and they'll know why.:thumbsup:
Every one has heard on AFN Fireside chat that @Son of Hobbes taking the 1 week Baking Soda Challenge!

Before Tuesday, you should read the Baking Soda bicarb Facts

Here is the daily log we'd like you to fill out

PH: and/or Body Temp:

Pain Score:

Mood Score:

Energy Score:

Any Positive Side Effects:

Any Negative Side Effects:

Any Additional Comments:

You'll be joining the other Positive Ph'ers... We heard @briman still does bs every day. @Renaissance Redneck keeps up with his ph and has a thread in the
Are you taking the piss...? PH Positive Health sec And @Eekman & I do.
@Duggy is always around guiding Positive Ph'ers.
@Eyes on Fire ,@krug , @oldster , @pop22 , @AndyBotwin and our latest Positive Ph'er @Need4Weed How are you guys doing??
Are you keeping up with your ph?
Maybe one of you have tips for Son of Hobbes?
