Ah well, that's that. Cheers
@Fairlynew for drooling but it's all over.
Last week the Landlord arrived and announced he wants to sell our place...... and wanted a Valuer to come over to appraise it.
F U C K.
Anyway, he set the date for thursday, so on weds night (day 85), I cropped the lot, started at 9pm, chopping the Cookie 1st, and got a bit stoned and got carried away manicuring them..... at 3am I finished her, and shat myself. 3am!!!!
Anyway I started chopping the Blueberry into foot long chunks, leaves and all, and filled a box with that, then did the same with the Lime...... done in 20 mins.
Then I set about removing all lights fans etc from the tent, packing each LED carefully away..... done by 5am.
Then I started taking the rickety old tent down, and packed everything grow related away in more boxes.
I know the Landlord goes for an early morning surf, so once he'd gone, I packed the 3 boxes of stinking bud in the boot of the car with an load of airfresheners.
Parked it up the back, job done.

At 7am I had a quick fag and a chai

, then woke everyone up, got ready and go to work...... my poor clients. I was stinking of weed. Sticky fingers
Just a half day thank fuck, so back at 1pm and had till 3pm to get a tarp down on the stained carpet, a few rugs and a sofa, then made it look like a kids play room

Inspection took 10 mins dammit, and they only looked in the grow room or about 30 seconds. The landlord didn't even enter the room for fuck sake.
Anyway, I now have the Cookie to brown paper bag up. I got a nice big ball of scissor hash rom her and I can't wait to have a bang on some of that later.
The Lime and Blueberry will be bitches to trim as all leaves etc are still on and all wilted down, so manicuring them will be this weekend's nightmare.
On the positive, the Blueberry and Cookie were done, and the Lime has plenty of lovely looking bud as well, it's just annoying to think the Lime could have really fattened up and really increased in weight had I taken her past 100 days. Mind you she never had the best lighting during the grow, she was so big, one Photon wasn't enough, so I now have the opportunity to clean my tent or the first time ever sort out the bent poles in the roof by swapping them with the floor poles and of course set up my new Skylines with the Photons, so I can really kick arse with a new grow.
I'm gonna do the Lime and Cookie again, as well as an Auto Night Queen, but yeah,
@dirtbag I hear you regarding how squat she might get.... I always seem to grow a huge 'un, a big 'un and a tiddler anyways.... BUT I'll wait till the Landlord pisses off in a week or so.