switched to LED from HID and now im fighting high humidity

I gotta ask what light you have? is it an actual 250w at the wall? or is that the sales pitch from the light vendor?

This one.

I bought it because I wanted to try something different to normal samsung diodes. I should have done more research though, and should have just stuck with what is tried and true.

I made sure to test if it's actually 250watt. each dimmer setting is running between 5-8watts lower than what it states. highest ran at 242watt from memory. Although I'm not sure how accurate the power tester is - it's a wifi one, not a plug in and see the results on a screen type deal.

Plants are growing well, and the one I have in mid-flower seems to be budding well, although I reckon it could use some more red diodes
Focus should be on finding the RH within your garage, causation could be seasonal changes outside. If your ventilation system isn’t keeping within the tent in check it’s because the recovery air being pulled in from the garage must be of similar humidity. You need to dehumidify the garage or lower its RH somehow. But if outside is also humid venting won’t be a solution. Dehumidifying the garage is the most controllable stable option. Or making a lung room. BTW your nuts growing in a rental presumably somewhere less than legal :pass:
Focus should be on finding the RH within your garage, causation could be seasonal changes outside. If your ventilation system isn’t keeping within the tent in check it’s because the recovery air being pulled in from the garage must be of similar humidity. You need to dehumidify the garage or lower its RH somehow. But if outside is also humid venting won’t be a solution. Dehumidifying the garage is the most controllable stable option. Or making a lung room. BTW your nuts growing in a rental presumably somewhere less than legal :pass:

Yeah, the garage's RH is around 75-80%. It's old and damp. I'm in the process of tidying it up to see what i can do. The ceiling is at a guess, 8-10metres tall, a consumer grade dehumidifier probably wouldnt do a lot. The garage has also flooded once, so yeah it's wet af.

Don't worry, I have my safety in check :redface: and a great relationship with the owner/landlord.
Wellington, NZ :redface: but thank you, I think i have one of them in my closet
Oh Duh :doh: I think you already told me that you were in NZ :rofl::rofl:

The light would seem to be ok, I like the spectrum and 2 plants should be ok under it.
By the way we ALL fight this temperature humidity shit every day.



kinda comforting knowing we're all fighting the same battle hah.

So instead of a heater... i've installed my HPS light beside the LED, both running at 250watt. RH% pretty much instantly lowered. it's overkill, and a bit of a squeeze, but if its all good after an hour i'll probably keep it. I've got too many plants in there for just 250watt anyways.
thanks again for all the help :)
Sitting pretty at 28degrees Celcius and 58% RH :)

To be honest it's a bit hot for my liking, opening up some vents to see if it helps. I'd prefer 25degrees. It usually drops down to 18ish during lights off, and 28 to 18 is a bit too big of a jump.

Also not sure how I feel about using so much power... considering the whole idea of LED was to save. Moving forward, if I time my grows better I guess I'll only have to run hybrid lighting during flower. I'm thinking about replacing the 250w LED with the 100watt UFO I have in my small tent (once it's finished its flowering duties over there). I dunno, think I'd feel better about 350watt of total power VS 500.


It's a big of a squeeze huh, and a bit overkill.

I'm still a noob, haven't managed to grow very big yet.. still learning. Also battling thrips at the moment, I'm sure they've probably stunted the plant a bit. <- this is me being embarrassed by my small plants lol

Regarding heaters, any reason not to use a comparable "personal" electric forced air (fan-based) heater, such as a compact ceramic heater with thermostat, overheat protection, etc.? Might this even be better? This would do the same job, take up much less space. It could be mounted on a tent pole (along with other in-tent air circulation).
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