How much raw cannabis has your pet eaten?


Cultivators Club
May 31, 2023
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I was pruning an auto today:

And it reminded me of a certain hungry 4-legged lady that snuck into the room in a prior grow while the tent was open, and ate a fan leaf off the plant that was larger than my hand, faster than I could get to her 🤦‍♀️ :kitty:...

What have you dealt with? I know there are better stories in the crew on here…:smokeout:
I was pruning an auto today:
View attachment 1676648

And it reminded me of a certain hungry 4-legged lady that snuck into the room in a prior grow while the tent was open, and ate a fan leaf off the plant that was larger than my hand, faster than I could get to her 🤦‍♀️ :kitty:...

What have you dealt with? I know there are better stories in the crew on here…:smokeout:
@Mossy ...Aunty here has a hound that regularly "self-medicates", just a few leaves and done...
Seen several kitties here graze lowers whenever they could get in there!

I figure the horror stories will come, mostly from edibles they got hold of and really may have done actual damage to themselves- :eek1:
No doubt it's every bit as miserable as it is for humans that OD'ed and got the whities!
@Mossy ...Aunty here has a hound that regularly "self-medicates", just a few leaves and done...
Seen several kitties here graze lowers whenever they could get in there!

I figure the horror stories will come, mostly from edibles they got hold of and really may have done actual damage to themselves- :eek1:
No doubt it's every bit as miserable as it is for humans that OD'ed and got the whities!

Yeah.. all 3 of our dogs have self medicated...I Blame the older dog for teaching them bad habits....:biggrin:.. you know what it is like if you hang with the wrong crowd...:pighug:

Very selective.. usually bad belly or stress...

In my observation... they don't touch the Trics... just the green on the larger fans... probably something similar to eating grass when they have a bad belly... just the cannabis is more available than the right grass here...:crying:
I used to have a tiny chihuahua that used to steal stems to chew,
She stole a big giant crystaly bud once and was going nuts to keep the others away from it lol it was funny, took the best bud outa the lot
Our mutt ate some bud out of a baggie that I had received as a gift. It was garbage bud, I had forgotten that it was on the bureau near the main entrance of the house. The dog found it, ripped the bag open and managed to eat a very small amount before I investigated the sound of the bag being torn. It buggered the dog up so badly I almost took her to the vet. That would have been expensive as it would have been a weekend callout. The dog could hardly hold her head up. She was in scary shape for most of the day, but eventually recovered. I shudder to think what good bud would have done to her. I recommend keeping this stuff away from pets. Unlike humans, dogs do not need decarb to make the stuff seriously potent.
I used to have a tiny chihuahua that used to steal stems to chew,
She stole a big giant crystaly bud once and was going nuts to keep the others away from it lol it was funny, took the best bud outa the lot
Another one I think is funny lol

At night when me & missus is smoking bongs and we're about to go to bed,
A chihuahua & a Chinese crested that stays in our room always know when my missus has smoked her last bong and get excited when she shoots the bong and they dash about all happy and go to the living room door to wait to go to bed

It's strange how they know, Wtf
I have one muted calico female cat that loves fan leaves. Every trim, she will sit in front of me and wait til a good fan drops. Then she is all over it. She also requires a cloud blown in her general direction every night. I’ll take a hit and blow it over her head and she’ll sniff the air over and around her til she’s had her fill then move away from the dissipating cloud and I swear she smiles!
I have one muted calico female cat that loves fan leaves. Every trim, she will sit in front of me and wait til a good fan drops. Then she is all over it. She also requires a cloud blown in her general direction every night. I’ll take a hit and blow it over her head and she’ll sniff the air over and around her til she’s had her fill then move away from the dissipating cloud and I swear she smiles!
My mate told me about a cat that used to come sit with him and his mates at his friends house and every time they'd start smoking bongs the cat would always appear, he said when they smoked a bong the cat would get ready for the exhale of smoke,
If you didn't blow the smoke it's way it would huff and take it bad lol
35 years ago while I was at rehearsal my German Shepard ate a 1/4 ounce (and the baggie). She slept for 48 hours.