Evol's bulk mushroom attempt

I realized last night I've got more cakes going then I have room for. I was planing on contams like I got on the first run but the glove box has made the world of difference. I might be crumbling some cakes into a mono tub. Lord knows I have the coco to make the sub. Off to read some tek's.
Get a PC and do grain. So much better then using pf cakes.
I haven't tried PF tek I jumped straight into bulk. I'm going to try using some cow poop next time though.
I started a shroom adventure too..but PE is the only one I dont have ..I have like 4 other ones though :p and this should be so fun!...hmmm sneaky ninja shroom pizza at my UFC party LOL JK or am I LOL :smokebuds:LOL I find myself looking at them and pituring dongs in my head and saying the name LOL that is funny though LOL GO AWAY DONGS!!!!:bone::bone::bone:"Ha ha ha ha ha..""Ha ha ha ha ha.."
Here is what I got from my first ever batch of PE. I'm hoping the second flush is better.

Have you tried PE yet? I was to chicken shit to order them at first. Not I've got the Atl#7s going and they are supposed to be very potent. I wanna try PE after I finish the oressa's.
I have never seen how people grew these. Pretty crazy. Im sitting here looking at these and I'm thinking " I'm glad my dick don't look like that!" :rofl: I didn't understand the penis envy thing for a while!
What kind of investment does that take? How much you got in the first batch?
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Just got to say I can feel where your coming from. When I grew my own I was tripping quiet often and like you said testing different doses , found a happy place I could function in society on them ... The last time and will probably be only time unless under guidance of a Shaman. The last time was so life altering to my core it changed me for GOOD! And it was for the good! I realized how everything is connected and for every action there is a reaction, a ying/yang to the "universal energy we all belong to", also the illusion of time was stripped away and I let myself into that energy:... Only last like 30sec but was so. Freaking hardcore ! Kind of mAde me more comfortable with my mortality ( remember I got into the shrooms when I was first dx'es with ms and used then in a way as therapy to work through the issues of living and finding a purpose being chronically ill...
I also found it a comfort when I did trip on my own gear that I knew it was 100% safe no containments so never got on that trip, where I had in the past taking wild picked ones ... One of us usually would go off into a tangent that we had bad shrooms... Half of would laugh at him sometimes and sometimes that same half could be sucked in to getting that thought stuck.... Lol I got a syringe of eq from awhile back but has always been I fridge and is clear ... Wonder if it's good still ? Also have one other wait a sec....
Is Taz.... Both very good stuff so tempted maybe next spring to do a run again ... So simple to do. ;)

That's what I'm looking for.. Lol. The experance.. even 30 secs.. :)
@ romeo - no I haven't tried PE yet. I'm gonna take 1g when its dry.

@ Guerrilla - I spent $45 on spores and about $100 for all the other stuff I needed. I can produce mushrooms for several years if I only grow the 2 strains I originally purchased. I only have to spend 60 cents on distilled water once or twice a month

@ molegrower - if you're gonna trip its gonna be a minimum of 2 hours and could last 6 - 8 hours.
Awww hell take 2g and report back. "Woozy..?"
Ha! My fiance would love that (sarcastic tone implied). From what I hear 1g is equal to 3.5g of other cubes. I'm gettin too old for that lol