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Make a clean room!!!!!!! lol or at least a clean closet hahahaha, sterile sterile sterile. But you already know all that. Great job though, you will get a full flush out of that second tub for sure.
shit bro if i had the room i would my closets are literally packed to the hilt with supplies and shit. im gonna look into making a glove box for my next 2 tubs but i got alot of work in the tent coming up wit 6 new girls on day 1 tomorrow so i will just run this last tub until it stops or whatever. So a ate some of the shrooms from the first tub and i have to say im disappointed... i started off making tea with 3.8 drank that and 45 mins later i wasnt tripping as hard as i should so i made another 4.5 grams in tea and that finally felt equivalent to maybe a 4 gram trip. so i dont know if they are weak because of the contamination or because i piked them later than i usually do.. what do you think D and @Wienerwoods ??? any idea @Roark @GoAuto6 ?
Pics I just took of the 2nd tub (mexi-cubes) and it's looking good despite the circumstances. I wasn't thinking when I harvested the ones in the pic that I should of took a pic of the tub before I harvest lol
Make a clean room!!!!!!! lol or at least a clean closet hahahaha, sterile sterile sterile. But you already know all that. Great job though, you will get a full flush out of that second tub for sure.

That's what I did recently as per your suggestion and I've had zero sterile procedure related contaminations since. I can wholeheartedly recommend this. It does make a huge difference and has given me a complete peace of mind. Thanks, by the way!

But as RogerRabbit once wrote: "Once your spawn jars are fully colonized, you can scratch your butt while you inoculate the coir if you want."

If the spawn is produced in sterile enough conditions and the secondary substrate properly pasteurized, clean room or no the tub should be 100% successful.

So a ate some of the shrooms from the first tub and i have to say im disappointed... i started off making tea with 3.8 drank that and 45 mins later i wasnt tripping as hard as i should so i made another 4.5 grams in tea and that finally felt equivalent to maybe a 4 gram trip. so i dont know if they are weak because of the contamination or because i piked them later than i usually do.. what do you think D and @Wienerwoods ???

Can you describe how you made the tea? I doubt the maturity of the fruits affects potency that much. You should just have an increased water to alkaloid ratio.
Be sure to boil the shit out of it. The degradation of the active compounds is hugely overrated and in truth you won't see much loss in potency at 100 celsius. In this case it does make water more efficient as a solvent, though.

I've heard mixed reviews on re-dosing psychedelics since a tolerance is built pretty much right after consuming the first dose. That might explain the underwhelming second dose. I've also found my trips to be less and less magical when I do them every two weeks. Maybe give it some time? That's what I'm forced to do now :cuss:

In any case, contaminations shouldn't alter the fruits' properties in any discernible way.

Second tub is looking amazing! :worship:
That's what I did recently as per your suggestion and I've had zero sterile procedure related contaminations since. I can wholeheartedly recommend this. It does make a huge difference and has given me a complete peace of mind. Thanks, by the way!

But as RogerRabbit once wrote: "Once your spawn jars are fully colonized, you can scratch your butt while you inoculate the coir if you want."

If the spawn is produced in sterile enough conditions and the secondary substrate properly pasteurized, clean room or no the tub should be 100% successful.

Can you describe how you made the tea? I doubt the maturity of the fruits affects potency that much. You should just have an increased water to alkaloid ratio.
Be sure to boil the shit out of it. The degradation of the active compounds is hugely overrated and in truth you won't see much loss in potency at 100 celsius. In this case it does make water more efficient as a solvent, though.

I've heard mixed reviews on re-dosing psychedelics since a tolerance is built pretty much right after consuming the first dose. That might explain the underwhelming second dose. I've also found my trips to be less and less magical when I do them every two weeks. Maybe give it some time? That's what I'm forced to do now :cuss:

In any case, contaminations shouldn't alter the fruits' properties in any discernible way.

Second tub is looking amazing! :worship:

It does just that, it makes you have peace of mind for sure. I was just tired of having to wait a month before I realized I fucked up. With a clean room it eliminates 99% of that. It changed my universe when it came to growin the mushies.

Oh and @tripaholic88 holy shit that looks nice
That's what I did recently as per your suggestion and I've had zero sterile procedure related contaminations since. I can wholeheartedly recommend this. It does make a huge difference and has given me a complete peace of mind. Thanks, by the way!
But as RogerRabbit once wrote: "Once your spawn jars are fully colonized, you can scratch your butt while you inoculate the coir if you want."
If the spawn is produced in sterile enough conditions and the secondary substrate properly pasteurized, clean room or no the tub should be 100% successful.

Can you describe how you made the tea? I doubt the maturity of the fruits affects potency that much. You should just have an increased water to alkaloid ratio.
Be sure to boil the shit out of it. The degradation of the active compounds is hugely overrated and in truth you won't see much loss in potency at 100 celsius. In this case it does make water more efficient as a solvent, though.
I've heard mixed reviews on re-dosing psychedelics since a tolerance is built pretty much right after consuming the first dose. That might explain the underwhelming second dose. I've also found my trips to be less and less magical when I do them every two weeks. Maybe give it some time? That's whaI'm forced to do now :cuss:
In any case, contaminations shouldn't alter the fruits' properties in any discernible way.
Second tub is looking amazing! :worship:
yea thats what i thought about 100% colonized spawn and substrate. no signs of contam yet on the surface. i made te tea the same way ive ade it 15-20 times before, grind up the shrooms, get HOT HOT water put shrooms in Hot water for 25-30 mins while stirring maybe every 5 mins. by the end the tea was nice and dark.. i think i have a pic in my phone i can post of it actually. and for me ive found with LSD i can and always redose 1-1.25 hrs after my first tab and with mushrooms ive never had a problem redosing either as long as it wasnt like 4 hrs after i first ingested, but i dont see 1 hrs or 1.5 hrs having that much problems with tolerance... i was eating 3.5-5 grams once a week for about 6 weeks and yes they wernt as intense of a trip but i still had a full on psychedelic trip EVERYTIME. ive also let a friend eat his usual dosage in these mushies and he said they were weak, he actually ate them before me and he Lemon Tek'd them! so i got a batch of shitty shrooms and i have no idea why!
Im picking the 2nd tub right as the veil starts tearing like i usually do for max potency and i will have my girl try them this weekend an i will eat some LSD since this last mushie trip was kinda a let down.. i KNOW MY L IS AMAZING so it should be a fun time!
I don't know if you've seen this before, but take a look at this graph I found on the internets


While the cross-tolerance to psychedelics probably differs from one person to another, I've personally found the graph to be quite accurate. If anything it's been a bit optimistic for use as a general guideline since I find that even with 14 day intervals the tolerance slowly creeps up. Not only does this mess with perceived potency but, interestingly, in my case increases body noise and the likelihood of having to vomit as well.

Just something to maybe consider, especially since the tolerance affects LSD as well.
I don't know if you've seen this before, but take a look at this graph I found on the internets


While the cross-tolerance to psychedelics probably differs from one person to another, I've personally found the graph to be quite accurate. If anything it's been a bit optimistic for use as a general guideline since I find that even with 14 day intervals the tolerance slowly creeps up. Not only does this mess with perceived potency but, interestingly, in my case increases body noise and the likelihood of having to vomit as well.

Just something to maybe consider, especially since the tolerance affects LSD as well.
well its been 2 weeks since i tripped on L before the shrooms so all tolerance should of been good... and my buddy doesnt do any other psychedelics and he originally said they were weak... there had to be the problem in the tub. ive grown and ate the same strain from the same vendor( yes i know MS is a crap shoot) and they weer killer shrooms2...
im able to take 200mics of LSD every weekend with barely any noticeable potency loss/tolerance gain.... more of a different trip due to set and setting more than tolerance
Tips and pointers needed.
did you case that tub? also it seems that the side holes are taped up and you put usps shit over them, they should have alot of polyfill in them and then loose poly fill on the 2 top end holes like on my tub. unless its a bad pic/angle of your tub