Indoor zaQs tent (12 Plants)

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Yeah i have put tobacco in water for 24h, i will test spray one, two plants and see. Nicotine is a really strong poison.

tobacco and water trick douse work i also add a clove of garlic i know that nicotine is a really strong poison but trust me the girls can handle it they are tuff little sluts
19 Days over soil.

I just smoked a fatty and damn. I love my plant :) Now they are starting to giving away some nice aroma. My carbonfilter takes 100% of all the smell.

I have been giving them some Sensi Grow buy this week. I will flush with PH 6.3-6.5 water to bring down the soils PH level to about 6.5 (Its PH7 now).

Temps at 23-28 Celcius ATM. Depends on the outside temp.

Every plant has shown sex, and there all girls, fem seeds :)

On Saturday or Sunday I will start with bloom nuts. I think I will start at 1/4 strenght Sensi Bloom A+B and then work up to full strenght.

About the flies, I count to like 10.. I have nicotine water to spray the top layer earth with but I will wait and see.

Thought I would share some nice pictures with you.

Please like or give rep if you like my grow logg!

Pic 1: Overview
Pic 2: Overview 2
Pic 3: Overview 3
Pic 4: 60 Days Of Wonder (Williams Wonder x Ruderalis)
Pic 5: 60 Days Of Wonder junior :)
Pic 6: Auto Pakistan Kush Ryder


Thought I end with one of my favourite smoke songs right now..

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All Ladies? You're gonna need a bigger medicine cabinet come harvest time! :booya: You're girls look fine and I hope the runt catches up for you.
Thanks for the cool jam! :peace:
if its gnats.. put a layer of sand over soil of each plant and leave it there for 14 days, larvae of gnats cannot make it through sand to surface without dieing and mature gnats cannot repopulate in soil due to sand. so basically wait til you see no more gnats and remove sand. this way no poison.
Yeah but I have some serious strong nicotine water that i can spray the top layer of soil with. I Will try that if I see more flies. I can see about 5-10 flies... My plants are so healthy and I guess those fuckers cant do shit when im giving them Voodoo Juice :)
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Another evening, another spliff

Plants doing fine, it feels like im doing updates everyday. Please stop me if you dont like me spaming the forum, hehe.

Pic 1 Overview
Pic 2 60 Days Of Wonder
Pic 3 EasyRyder


Let me just end this post with the song of the night

I've been working all day and a this me a wait for
Pass me the blunt and the rolling paper...

Yeah but I have some serious strong nicotine water that i can spray the top layer of soil with. I Will try that if I see more flies. I can see about 5-10 flies... My plants are so healthy and I guess those fuckers cant do shit when im giving them Voodoo Juice :)

idont know if th
I will save the picture update for saturday or sunday. To stoned to do dinner and to take some shots now. The AKR and ER is outgrowing the Pakis and the 60DOW so im placing them farthest from the bulb.

Saw a little nut burn on one AKR but nothing that I should care about because this sensi grow A+B and Voodoo Juice does it work.

The plants is starting to form the first flowers and I hope they should be ready and cured before xmas. My best friend is leaving pee to keep driver license and is ready by xmas and I have promised him the best nug for present :)

Now time to blaze one up and listen to this song with your lady

What happpend this night?

Maybe had something with the half-moon or something. The plants put on some serious growth. Now All Pakis and AKR is in the flower stage and bud sites rapidly growing up.

This is my first time growing autos and I think these will for sure be 1oz+/plant :)

To bad its morning... Cant smoke before going to office, have some nice Trainwreck on the table looking at me when im eating my oatmeal :(