14 Days from Seed.
Right now, almost on the second its 14 days ago since I put my babies under wet cotton. I opened the door this morning and felt the first hint of cannabis aroma. This was like having the first sip of coffe in the morning
Right now im on the 600W HPS GIB for flower 18/6 schedule. I gave alot of water yesturday so I will wait one more day with water, still missing my PH Meter

Ebay can be slow sometimes..
Up in the right top I have my new hatched 60 Days Of Wonder. One AKR didnt hatch so i changed that seed, but took so long time, I think 7 days for seed just to hatch..
Pic 1. is picture over my EasyRyder
Pic 2. is overview
Pic 3. is my 60 Days Of Wonder (Now it dosnt look handicapped anymore)
Pic 4. is my Pakistan Ryder
Pic 5. is my Auto Kush Ryder.
(If you look on overview pics from dif. days you can see i move plants around under the lamp)