Indoor Zamnesia - Girl Scout Cookies - Frogster Grow - 2019 Grow Battle

Hey @davisgirl,

They are packets of "Spider Mite Predators" called "Neoseiulus Californicus" they hunt down and kill spider mites without harm to your plants etc.

You can buy the packets to hang on your plants.... Good Hydroponic shops etc should have them.

I usually put them on every grow I have done over the last few years - as a preventative measure, but this grow didn't and "wham" spider mites show up.

Here is a Predator - having lunch.

I did take the plants out of the tent for some photos (See Update Day 27).

I think that is when I picked the spider mites up.... they float on the wind outdoors - only needs 1 pregnant one to land on a leaf.... Back in a nice warm tent.... Party On.

Luckily, I check my tent regularly and I think I have caught them quick, but time will tell.

Sorry, I can't help you with the Fan / controller you have, never seen it, or used one.... looked it up on google and it looks like a CD/DVD fan ?
Hey @davisgirl,

They are packets of "Spider Mite Predators" called "Neoseiulus Californicus" they hunt down and kill spider mites without harm to your plants etc.

You can buy the packets to hang on your plants.... Good Hydroponic shops etc should have them.

I usually put them on every grow I have done over the last few years - as a preventative measure, but this grow didn't and "wham" spider mites show up.

Here is a Predator - having lunch.

I did take the plants out of the tent for some photos (See Update Day 27).

I think that is when I picked the spider mites up.... they float on the wind outdoors - only needs 1 pregnant one to land on a leaf.... Back in a nice warm tent.... Party On.

Luckily, I check my tent regularly and I think I have caught them quick, but time will tell.

Sorry, I can't help you with the Fan / controller you have, never seen it, or used one.... looked it up on google and it looks like a CD/DVD fan ?
Wow — nice pic of the insect activity! Fighting fire with fire.

Ok, here’s the T8: I should have been more descriptive. I guess my main question is, is it OK if it runs only a couple times for a few minutes an hour, or do these ladies need constant air exchange?
Wow — nice pic of the insect activity! Fighting fire with fire.

Ok, here’s the T8: I should have been more descriptive. I guess my main question is, is it OK if it runs only a couple times for a few minutes an hour, or do these ladies need constant air exchange?

Nice 1, On paper it looks OK to me.

When you get your tent environment balanced and tuned, you are correct.... the exhaust fan won't be running for long..... that's the control part of the "tool" doing it's job.

But, be sure to run air movement fans in the tent all the time (maybe different settings) but maintaining air circulation 100% of time.

Oh, and make sure you eliminate high and low spots of temp and Rh in the tent, by the positioning of the fans (dual use).

Use one fan low down in the tent to circulate that air upwards... stops condensation, rot, etc.

That's a few tips.... If you didn't already know.:bighug:

Nice 1, On paper it looks OK to me.

When you get your tent environment balanced and tuned, you are correct.... the exhaust fan won't be running for long..... that's the control part of the "tool" doing it's job.

But, be sure to run air movement fans in the tent all the time (maybe different settings) but maintaining air circulation 100% of time.

Oh, and make sure you eliminate high and low spots of temp and Rh in the tent, by the positioning of the fans (dual use).

Use one fan low down in the tent to circulate that air upwards... stops condensation, rot, etc.

That's a few tips.... If you didn't already know.:bighug:

I kind of did know all that, but it’s good to hear it from an experienced grower. Just relieved I’m using the equipment the right way. Thanks Frogster!
Update Day 45

I took a couple of pics yesterday, but, the weather is not conducive to removing the plants from the tent for a better photo.

Buds are set now and will soon be starting to fatten.

I am growing out both plants if I can, Plant 1 has had a mild attack of spider mite, but Predators seem to be holding the attack back.

Added another light over her (Mars Hydro 600w - old style LED - 280w draw)

Plant 2 is continuing on, regardless of being removed from the Battle , she is developing and filling out nicely.

Repositioned the lights, and on we go....

Day 45 Plant 1.jpg

Day 45 Plant 2.jpg

Temps, Rh% & VPD all on target (or close enough).

6 plants in the tent, taking 22 Ltrs of feed between them, every 24 hours.



Just a couple of random pics from today - Day 48

Day 48 Plant 1.jpg

Day 48 Plant 1 B.jpg

Day 53 to 60 Update

Somtimes "Life" gets in the way..... I apologise for the lack of updates this last week or so.

However, to make amends, below are some photos of my two Zamnesia girls, sharing the tent with four other plants over the last week or so....

The tent is now very full, and is hard to get full length photos, as shown below..

Tent Day 60.jpg

Plant 1, is my Battle Entry, a little shorter than expected, bud filling and hardening up nicely.

Day 53 - Plant 1
Day 53 Plant 1.jpg

Day 53 Plant 1 Bud.jpg

Day 55 - Plant 2
Day 55 Plant 2 Bud.jpg

Day 59 - Plant 2
Day 59 Plant 2 Bud.jpg

Day 59 Plant 2 Bud B.jpg

Day 59 Plant 2 Bud c.jpg

Day 60 - Plant 1
Day 60 Plant 1.jpg


Day 65 Update

The tent is becoming unmanageable with all the plants in there, so I decided to make a bit more room and take my Zamnesia Girl Scout Cookies (plant 1) down.

This will make some needed room for the others to spread a bit.

Plant 1 is my Battle Plant, she stands 45" from the soil level to tip of highest bud.

She could have gone another week, maybe two, and swelled a bit more... The buds are hard, and the trics are starting to turn from cloudy to amber already.

Also, I still have another GSC still growing in the tent, so I am OK with this one getting chopped.

The 2nd GSC is bigger, fatter, but not in the battle, hey ho....

Plant 1 was the one I selected early doors (week 4) for the battle, as she looked best at that stage, I guess that's the way the GS Cookie crumbles, so to speak.

Bonus.... I will have something new to smoke/try, a week or two ahead of the rest. Win/Win

Cut today, Day 65.

Day 65 Plant 1 Final.jpg

Day 65 Plant 1 Bud.jpg

Day 65 Plant 1 pot.jpg


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Plant 1 - Post Harvest Update

Just a couple of pics of the G.S.Cookies Plant 1 Roots, after the chop

Roots are healthy, always good to know...

Roots GSC Plant 1.jpg

Roots 2 GSC Plant 1.jpg

Plant 2 still lives, she is on what I call a "No Feed" week, just water with a few additives to correct the Ph & some Magnesium.

Ph 5.8 & EC 0.9

Photos will follow, maybe tomorrow

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Update Day 68

The problem with growing different strains at the same time is there has to be some compromise as I need to chop them all at the same time.

The tent is dual purpose and used to dry the plants, I also need to clean and set it up for the next leg.

So,all the remaining plants in the tent have now been put on a "No Feed" week of Ph'd Water, prior to all of them getting the chop next week.

Plant 2, is not a "Battle Plant", she was my backup plant, I am happy she will produce a very good haul.

Day 68 GSC 2 Full.jpg

Day 68 GSC 2 Bud.jpg

Looking Good

