Indoor Zambeza's Green Monster!


She's been in the 12/12 tent a few days not, still no sign of flowering. She has put on some size though! Plant is looking good hope she decides to flower soon, I shouldn't have even kept her, going to wreak havoc with my!
Green Monster pic1 -3-18-2017.jpg
@pop22 – the plant might have not developed very fast due to delicate source of light you have used (50W). Transplanting autoflowering plants is best avoided, in some occasions it might stun the growth and limit their final size.

Eventhough autoflowering strain contain the ruderalis genetics within the line to make them independent from the day lenght, it might happen that few seeds do not receive ruderalis genes in portion big enough to induce the autoflowering reaction. In theory the seed you had might also develop into what we could call "Fast Flowering" version of the strain, in this case it might require the switch do 12h day to induce the flower production. If that is the case the plant should finish the blooming cycle significantly faster. We encourage you to try to induce flowering in this plant by switching it to short day if it is possible for you. If this solution does is not working for you, we can offer you a replacement seed from the same strain to ensure you have one more attempt at this one.

As for feeding schedules and environment condition, we noticed a lot of people using some unorthodox setting which might also be the cause of stunned planned growth or even hermaphroditism

How many days has it passed since you switched the light for 12/12 ? sometimes the plants might not be physilogically mature to enter flowering, and will naturally remain in vegetation for as long is needs in some rare cases.
@zambezaseeds sorry to burst your bubble but everyone who has tried your seeds is a seasoned grower who has never had these problems with other breeders seeds using the exact same methods as you say could be the cause of the problems.we use these methods because they work.go to any of the growers others threads there are lots of them and you will see that these methods work,thats why we are the best autoflower network on the web because our results speak for themself.also go check out our insta gram page pictures speak a thousand words
@2Stoned2Care We are simply trying to analyze the situation and gather as much information as possible. Excuse us if our questions sounds offending, but on numerous occasions we have witnessed methodology woopsies no matter of the level of profesionallism represented by the grower.

We belive it is crucial to analyze the environment and techniques from scratch and in details, to rule out eventual mistakes or incompetence. We do not blame anyone, just simply trying to find out the cause of these occurances as everything happens for a reason. Our people did not encounter problems with these sees while testing, that is why we are trying to take into consideration all possible scenarios.
As for feeding schedules and environment condition, we noticed a lot of people using some unorthodox setting which might also be the cause of stunned planned growth or even hermaphroditism
i have not noticed any unothodox settings or methods used in the tests to my knowledge:pass:
That 55 watt LED in that 22"x20" space ia actually almost TOO much. Apparently you have no experience with modern COB lighting. With the light 18" above a plant, I had slight light burn! Assuming your used to measuring light output in lumens, I figure this light in the space to be about 12,000 lumens, or 4 times what a T5 would produce.
I grow organically, so no nutrient issues. Yes, I understand that autoflowering in hybrids sometimes doesn't happen. I'm sure she will flower.

However, you are completely wrong about transplaning autoflowers. I have done hundreds of transplants, with NO stalling or stunting, and done so with at least 50 strains. The key is timing the transplant. From the 24 oz containers I use, 8-10 days works. In fact, I tranplant by the width of the canopy. When the width is the same or slightly wider, roots will have reached the bottom but root circling has only just begun. Transplants done at this stage do not stall at all, you see new upward growth in a matter of hours. I have threads here documenting this.

Its my believe these were all damaged in transit. I have 20 seedlings all started at about the same time. All are planted in the exact same mix, same containers, same water. 10 out of 12 seeds of yours, across 4 strains, failed. I don't believe the fault is yours, and certainly not mine or the other growers here. This team is composed of experienced growers with proven abilities.

@pop22 – the plant might have not developed very fast due to delicate source of light you have used (50W). Transplanting autoflowering plants is best avoided, in some occasions it might stun the growth and limit their final size.

Eventhough autoflowering strain contain the ruderalis genetics within the line to make them independent from the day lenght, it might happen that few seeds do not receive ruderalis genes in portion big enough to induce the autoflowering reaction. In theory the seed you had might also develop into what we could call "Fast Flowering" version of the strain, in this case it might require the switch do 12h day to induce the flower production. If that is the case the plant should finish the blooming cycle significantly faster. We encourage you to try to induce flowering in this plant by switching it to short day if it is possible for you. If this solution does is not working for you, we can offer you a replacement seed from the same strain to ensure you have one more attempt at this one.

As for feeding schedules and environment condition, we noticed a lot of people using some unorthodox setting which might also be the cause of stunned planned growth or even hermaphroditism

How many days has it passed since you switched the light for 12/12 ? sometimes the plants might not be physilogically mature to enter flowering, and will naturally remain in vegetation for as long is needs in some rare cases.
I like the professional conversation here, kudo's everyone.


Pop is one of the best organic growers on the planet, let alone AFN. He is also our residential Myth-buster. He knows his shit, and has debunked, many common theories that people have believed for years. I believe him if he says its probably not your fault. Call him many things, but he is honest.

Firstly, everyone has said it very well. We are the best, most experienced, and we pick the best of growers to test. We use all mediums, nutrients, styles, and lighting for our testing. We are fair in our assessments, and give every piece of information possible to give reasons for why something may be occurring. I think you will see that even though we might not always give everyone the best news possible. It IS instrumental in diagnosing problems that can occur. from delivery to harvest. There is always a risk in delivery. This seems plausible to me, imo.

This is the kind of stuff that people who are considering spending hard earned dollars want to see.
