UPDATE: Day 48 ... (for some, but not all)
Today should have been a feeding day, but Mother Nature delivered some early morning drizzle, which I thought might bring some nute relief to the girls, and a nice mini-detox.
I'm not sure she fed them enough - but by the time the threat of rain dissolved, it was too late in the day and the sun [what there was] was too high. Then the skies decided to do this;
So the forecast threat of evening thunderstorms look very real.
Which also renders plans to reapply Snake Killer void.
There's zero point applying Snake Killer if thunderstorms are immediately going to wash it away, as the drizzle would have done this morning.
So a VERY frustrating day - a case of "rain delayed play".
No rain forecast tomorrow, so I'm going to be out early morning giving the girls a feed, regardless of what Mother nature dumps on them later tonight.
The GOOD news is, after a painstaking examination and interrogation of the plants, there are no more signs of caterpillar damage or bud rot ... TODAY ...
BUT it is a 24/7 War On [Insect] Terror at the moment.
There is no rest until the girls are cut and drying.
Here's some more positive news - BUD PORN!
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