I'm of the same thinking as you. Legislature is being pushed around where I live just like gay marriage was 8 years ago. It is only a matter of time, and I would like to be ahead of the curve also. My main motivation is to provide for myself, but if I ever get this down I would love to go bigger and legit.

I really wish I had bought seeds from one of the companies recommended on here. I see how important genetics are now, and I have no idea what I got. Another noob mistake I won't make again.
Those plants look fantastic and are really starting to plump up. You have done a great job with them :thumbsup:
I'm of the same thinking as you. Legislature is being pushed around where I live just like gay marriage was 8 years ago. It is only a matter of time, and I would like to be ahead of the curve also. My main motivation is to provide for myself, but if I ever get this down I would love to go bigger and legit.

I really wish I had bought seeds from one of the companies recommended on here. I see how important genetics are now, and I have no idea what I got. Another noob mistake I won't make again.
Those plants look fantastic and are really starting to plump up. You have done a great job with them :thumbsup:

My motivation is in memory of my wife, who passed in 2012, at a far too early age.
I saw the amazing relief and improved quality of life Cannabis gave her in her battle with terminal cancer and the impact of chemo.

It angers me that people have to - like we had to - break the law for medicinal relief.
:bighug:I'm truly sorry for your loss. As often as I want to kill my husband, I wouldn't want to live without him. And it is absurd that medical users are faced with the choice of waiting for the politicians to stop dragging their feet, or take matters into their own hands by breaking the law. It's a choice me and my husband had to make for me, and ultimately life is too short to wait on the government. My hope is that soon you will be able to positively impact peoples lives...legally! And I will be able to provide myself with the medication that has significantly improved my life...legally!

:cheers: Here is to us!

@MeefChief that is an awesome reference!!
Yozhik said:
Thanks for the positive vibes @Bailey :vibes:

Maybe I'm naive ... or stupid ... or both ... but the way I see it, growing multiple plants is just growing one plant, but multiple times.
I don't see that much difference. Same tent. Same light. Same medium. Same feeding.
Rinse and repeat.

Even running multiple strains isn't a biggie any more, 'cos the genetics these days are some damn good.
I'm not sure if I could be assed putting 60+ days of emotional energy into producing the fruits of just 2 or 3 plants.
Actually - scrub that thought - I am sure ... I absolutely couldn't be assed growing on a small scale.

I have serious intent and desire to be a full time grower.
It's only a matter of time for legislation to reflect the general consensus and for lawmakers to pull their heads out of their collective butts, so that CSC's in Spain can finally be recognised as fully legit.
I want to be ahead of the wave, and be ready to jump in at the beginning of it all, supplying the Club and its members with their natural medicines.

Just a matter of time ...

Good for u brother yeah I see what u mean I hope ure government gets there head out there arses and realise how wonderful these plants are there medical value is unreal it's just all these pharma companies putting the pressure on the politicians I hope it all works out for u brorher
DAY 44:

Temperatures: ... Ambient Room 25 ℃ [+/- 2 ℃]
Humidity RH%: ... 45 [+/- 5%]
Lighting: ... 4 x 600w HPS
Schedule: ... 20/4

Sensi Bloom A + B @ 2.0 ml/l
CalMag+ @ 2.0 ml/l
Nirvana @ 2.0 ml/l
Piranha @ 1.0 ml/l
B52 @ 0.5 ml/l
Big Bud @ 2.0 ml/l
Bud Candy @ 2.0 ml/l
Bud Factor X @ 0.5 ml/l​

pH of Feed: ... 6.2
EC of Feed:... 2.3
... ~ 2.0L


Campus Cafeteria was opened this morning.
New chef on the job, went back to the old menu.
Advanced Nutrients smorgasbord was the offering.
I'm sure the girls will appreciate the variety.


Still trying to determine the nutrient deficiency, currently under discussion in the Infirmary.
It's only on 2 of the plants, and not all consuming on those.
We'll get to the bottom of it.

Generally, pleased with the progress.
Some genuine "straight A" students among the student body ... also a couple that would be taking home report cards that say something like, "more effort required".





Whether or not the target yield of 3oz per plant average will be reached?
The jury is out.
Still a few days of fattening to go, but it feels like it's going to be a bit touch-and-go.
Sweet Trainwreck Auto look awesome, and I'm loving the chance to grow them and see them au naturale, but I don't think they'll be huge yielders. Prem Baby in particular has tops that look more like popcorn in terms of size. Fingers are crossed she really plumps up over the next couple of weeks! Overall, Sweet Trainwreck Auto looks more about quality than quantity. Early days yet - they may surprise me.

Cream Caramel Auto and Cream Mandarine Auto look their usual, steady, consistent self.
The wildcard will be what The Beast decides to do. She'll want longer - that's a given - the unknown is how much she'll produce when she gets her extra time.

The number of tops in this Grow definitely feels lower than the LST adventures of the Grow #1.
For this reason alone, I'm not super-confident about how much will be thrown onto the scales in a few weeks.
Time will tell.




Whether or not the target yield of 3oz per plant average will be reached?
Why are you guys so obsessed with size!! If its a choice of quantity or quality, I would choose quality! A whole lot of nothing isn't worth the time and effort.

But that's my opinion and I think you are going to have some quality product in a few weeks.:thumbsup:
I'm thinking you'll reach your goal. Don't be too eager to chop them, give them time to really fill out and get fat calyxes. I've seen guys chop them a week or two early when I know the plant can gain 1/3 its size towards the end.