INTJ & Non-Violent Domestic Extremist
DAY 17 - [morning of]:
Temperatures: ... Under HPS ~29 ℃ ... Ambient Room 26 ℃
Humidity RH%: ... 35 [+/- 5%]
Lighting: ... 2 x 600w HPS ... 25" from plants
Schedule: ... 20/4
Feeding: ... no feeding today
Not convinced of the hair tie bondage.
I know others have had amazing success with it.
The theory is 100% logical - I 'get' it.
However, I'm not entirely comfortable with the recovery period of those leaves that have been bound to allow light to the lower parts of the plant. Right now, some 18 hours after being untied, the upper leaves are in a condition where they could probably be bound again, but they don't look their usual selves - it took a few hours for them to recover, and I'm not sure I want to risk the development of the top leaves, to benefit the lower leaves.
My thoughts are that there are other alternatives - like @Hazy and his cane training - that achieve the same enhanced lower plant development, without diminishing or retarding growth elsewhere.
So, as it stands this morning, my mind is moving strongly in favour of more traditional LST than the hair tie method.
I know, I know, I only tried it ONCE ... but, hey - at least I considered it and tried it, and maybe if I gave it more time, I'd learn to love it ... but life has taught me to never second guess my 'gut', and at this moment, my gut is telling me to go in another direction as far as my BDSM adventures are concerned.
Cream Caramel #1 in 6L Airpot
Cream Caramel #2 in 6L Airpot
Cream Caramel #3 in 6L Airpot
Cream Mandarine #2 in 6l Airpot
Devil Cream #1 in 6L Airpot
Devil Cream #3 in 6L Airpot
Killer Kush #1 in 25L Airpot
Killer Kush #2 in 20L Airpot
Killer Kush #3 in 20L Airpot
Temperatures: ... Under HPS ~29 ℃ ... Ambient Room 26 ℃
Humidity RH%: ... 35 [+/- 5%]
Lighting: ... 2 x 600w HPS ... 25" from plants
Schedule: ... 20/4
Feeding: ... no feeding today
Not convinced of the hair tie bondage.
I know others have had amazing success with it.
The theory is 100% logical - I 'get' it.
However, I'm not entirely comfortable with the recovery period of those leaves that have been bound to allow light to the lower parts of the plant. Right now, some 18 hours after being untied, the upper leaves are in a condition where they could probably be bound again, but they don't look their usual selves - it took a few hours for them to recover, and I'm not sure I want to risk the development of the top leaves, to benefit the lower leaves.
My thoughts are that there are other alternatives - like @Hazy and his cane training - that achieve the same enhanced lower plant development, without diminishing or retarding growth elsewhere.
So, as it stands this morning, my mind is moving strongly in favour of more traditional LST than the hair tie method.
I know, I know, I only tried it ONCE ... but, hey - at least I considered it and tried it, and maybe if I gave it more time, I'd learn to love it ... but life has taught me to never second guess my 'gut', and at this moment, my gut is telling me to go in another direction as far as my BDSM adventures are concerned.
Kappa Mu

Cream Caramel #1 in 6L Airpot

Cream Caramel #2 in 6L Airpot

Cream Caramel #3 in 6L Airpot

Cream Mandarine #2 in 6l Airpot

Delta Kappa

Devil Cream #1 in 6L Airpot

Devil Cream #3 in 6L Airpot

Killer Kush #1 in 25L Airpot

Killer Kush #2 in 20L Airpot

Killer Kush #3 in 20L Airpot