INTJ & Non-Violent Domestic Extremist
DAY 46 ... [OR Day 37 for some]

Lighting Schedule:
Feeding: ... EC 1.9 ... pH 6,0 ... Water Temp 17 C
Nutrifield Coco A+B
Nutrifield Veg Igniter
Mammoth P
General Hydroponics FloraMicro
Plants seem to be constantly improving from the earlier deficiency scare.
Just to recap, it was the Perfect Storm of their sensitivities and borderline fetish for having temps on the high side, humidity on the low side, and little [if any] air circulation.
It screwed with transpiration rates, nutrient transportation, and general wellbeing.
A quick trip to the infirmary, with an accurate diagnosis from Dr @pop22 and Dr @Waira - the resultant addition of Micros and CalMag to the mix has seen measurable improvement in their condition.
They can now tolerate temps and humidity where I prefer them, and no longer sulk if the elements aren't bordering on extreme and masochistic.
Thankfully, air circulation is also being tolerated.
The girls also seem to have taken to their en masse topping without blinking a budsite.
Everything appears to be going according to plan, and its only a matter of days before the decision of precisely when to flip will be the focus.
I'm looking at Day 50, tentatively, although Day 56 has a nice feel to it; 8 weeks of veg to mirror the 8 weeks of anticipated flowering time.
For the record, I am LOVING the [HASHTAG]#Autopots[/HASHTAG]
More specifically, I am loving not having to handwater.
Airdomes seem to be doing their thing, but to be honest, I don't have anything to compare it with.
I'm not sure how the girls would look if the airdomes weren't in the system.
Enough blah blah - time for the pics to do the talking.
Various snapshots showing general condition, structure and topping.

Temp ... 24 C ... [+/- 3]
Humidity ... 65 %RH ... [+/- 8%]
Humidity ... 65 %RH ... [+/- 8%]
4 x CMH 315W @ 4200K
3 x COB Strip (4 x Cree CBX3590) @ 3500K
3 x COB Strip (4 x Cree CBX3590) @ 3500K
Lighting Schedule:
Vegetative 19/5
Flower 14/10 [TBC]
Flower 14/10 [TBC]
Feeding: ... EC 1.9 ... pH 6,0 ... Water Temp 17 C
Nutrifield Coco A+B
Nutrifield Veg Igniter
Mammoth P
General Hydroponics FloraMicro

Plants seem to be constantly improving from the earlier deficiency scare.
Just to recap, it was the Perfect Storm of their sensitivities and borderline fetish for having temps on the high side, humidity on the low side, and little [if any] air circulation.
It screwed with transpiration rates, nutrient transportation, and general wellbeing.
A quick trip to the infirmary, with an accurate diagnosis from Dr @pop22 and Dr @Waira - the resultant addition of Micros and CalMag to the mix has seen measurable improvement in their condition.
They can now tolerate temps and humidity where I prefer them, and no longer sulk if the elements aren't bordering on extreme and masochistic.
Thankfully, air circulation is also being tolerated.
The girls also seem to have taken to their en masse topping without blinking a budsite.
Everything appears to be going according to plan, and its only a matter of days before the decision of precisely when to flip will be the focus.
I'm looking at Day 50, tentatively, although Day 56 has a nice feel to it; 8 weeks of veg to mirror the 8 weeks of anticipated flowering time.
For the record, I am LOVING the [HASHTAG]#Autopots[/HASHTAG]
More specifically, I am loving not having to handwater.
Airdomes seem to be doing their thing, but to be honest, I don't have anything to compare it with.
I'm not sure how the girls would look if the airdomes weren't in the system.
Enough blah blah - time for the pics to do the talking.
Various snapshots showing general condition, structure and topping.