Photoperiod Yozhik grows Greenhouse Seeds Jack Herer and The Church CBD


INTJ & Non-Violent Domestic Extremist
May 20, 2013
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OK, so this is like nothing else I have done, so it could get pretty "hairy".

Things are changing around here.
In fact, a LOT of change.

Don't know where to start, if I'm honest.
Tentatively, for this grow, the CHANGES will be;

  • Autopot XL with Airdomes ... [up to 48 - number still to be finalised]
  • Coco
  • Nutrifield nutrients
  • RO water
  • COB lights ... [huge thank you to @BigSm0 for his infinite wisdom and tireless patience!]
  • Photoperiod plants ... Greenhouse Seeds Jack Herer and The Church CBD
  • ScrOG
  • TWO tents ... Green Qube 300cm x 200cm x 220cm, and 300cm x 300cm x 220cm

I'll give more specifics a little later, as the journal unfolds.
Fair to say, we're going BIG.

This is going to be one hell of a learning curve!
The grow shop I use sent an update of my order being packed on to its pallet ...


:holymoly: :applause:
OK, so this is like nothing else I have done, so it could get pretty "hairy".

Things are changing around here.
In fact, a LOT of change.

Don't know where to start, if I'm honest.
Tentatively, for this grow, the CHANGES will be;

  • Autopot XL with Airdomes ... [up to 48 - number still to be finalised]
  • Coco
  • Nutrifield nutrients
  • RO water
  • COB lights ... [huge thank you to @BigSm0 for his infinite wisdom and tireless patience!]
  • Photoperiod plants ... Greenhouse Seeds Jack Herer and The Church CBD
  • ScrOG
  • TWO tents ... Green Qube 300cm x 200cm x 220cm, and 300cm x 300cm x 220cm

I'll give more specifics a little later, as the journal unfolds.
Fair to say, we're going BIG.

This is going to be one hell of a learning curve!
subbed, good luck with the new setup.
big job on.
good luck n keep er lit.

It's a "work in progress".
Eventually a 4 room perpetual grow.
Well, 6 rooms, if you count the planned "Mama Room", and the "Cloning Room".
But that's a while off yet ... Slowly, slowly, catchy, monkey.

That's the big plan, anyway.
One room at a time, gradually easing into "living the dream".

First room planned will be a 24 x Autopot XL, 1.2m x 7,2m ScrOG, with 48 x CBX3590 COBs providing the sunshine.

Just waiting for the builders to turn up.
In the meantime, I might throw a few Autos into the trusty ol' tent, just to keep myself busy.
Yozhik you're jackass!! This should be amazing journal!! :worship:

I enjoy your enthusiasm!

It will be either an amazing cause for celebration ... OR ... an amazing fuck up, with amazing stress levels, and an amazing litany of errors, in amazing grow journal technicolour.
Regardless, "amazing" should be a feature!

This thread will be a slow developer - as in, it's still in the "planning stage".
That's another way of saying I'm having a hell of a time getting trades people to the property, to make the necessary reformations.

Patience is a virtue, right?