Dutch Passion Yozhik grows Dutch Passion's CBD Auto Compassion Lime®

DAY 75

Because you know I'm all about the roots
'Bout the roots, no trouble
I'm all 'bout the roots, 'bout the roots, no trouble
I'm all 'bout the roots, 'bout the roots, no trouble
I'm all 'bout the roots, 'bout the roots

DAY 77

The felling of the CMH ScrOG

click on image to go to offsite hosted image.
Click on image AGAIN for "Scratch 'n' Sniff" full res version.

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Cheers @Duggy

Frustrating thing is, I know it could have been SO MUCH better.
Now that I'm cutting the girls down, I can see their true structure and budsite count.
I think - conservatively - whatever I get out of this as an end yield, I left AT LEAST an additional 33% untapped.
Especially on the lades under the COBs.

I've already got my first ever photo beans in the paper towels, ready for the next adventure, but am definitely going to return to this strain to see if I can optimise it.
final weigh in ...

13 plants across the line.
2,5kgs in the jars

It sounds decent enough; approx. 6¾ oz per plant ...

BUT ... It could have been a LOT more.

I left too much on the table from growing ineptitude.

First time in ScrOG, and I underestimated the need and the extent of defoliation.

I also had not driven a COB supercar prior to this grow, and got caught out by the intensity of the vegetative growth.
Fair to say, it overwhelmed me.

Did I learn a lot?
You betcha!

I'm putting this grow in the SUCCESS column - not on yield alone ... 2,5 kgs is a decent haul for sure - but for the absolute joy and fun I had along the way, and the incredible learning curve and education it gifted me.


CMH lights are fucking awesome for a PLUG 'N' PLAY lighting solution.
I much prefer them over HPS.
If you just want something you can buy, plug in, and get fantastic results, CMH are it.
No brainer.

COB lights are fucking awesome if you are prepared to learn how to optimise them.
I didn't, but can see their incredible potential.
I can't describe the ridiculous vegetative explosion and the insane number of budsites these COBs produced.

To show how much I love them both, my next grow - already underway - is using both CMH and COB lights.
The CMH down low, close to the canopy, and the COB up high, almost as supplemental flood lighting.

Remember, the tent produced about 2,5kgs, with ~1300W of lighting.
That's just shy of 2gpw.

I ain't complaining.

