DIY Your DIY ScrOGs!

I did realize it was from soil to screen but i was thinkin if i had that type set up in a tite space,say 3'x3' i'd have to be in the prone position when i was watering,oh the things we do for our plants lol.
So if my tent is 62x36x20 inches I can just build a wooden frame slightly smaller and add some wire with 5 inch spacing and I'm good?
Just so you know from the start this isn't an attack, I'm just trying to help you out. The way you are using that screen with that plant isn't doing a thing for it. It's slightly spread out, but nothing one piece of string can't fix. Scrog is a tek I wouldn't use on autos. Reason being it's designed to flip to flower once a strain you're familiar with fills the screen to a certain, even point. While it's easy to do this with a photo it would be exceedingly difficult to fill every square inch of the screen with an auto. A good and productive scrog should look like the one JM posted. Every inch of the screen should be evenly covered with buds that are just about even in height.
Again I'm not trying to knock you down, just want to make sure you understand and get the most out of your tek.

Yes, I know that part bud. The screen was late coming in, I had to use it to prevent it all getting too tall and touching my HPS light. It wasn't gonna be used from the beginning.
If ne 1 has a hard or somewhat challenging time feeding/watering on a ScroG just
use a Beer Bong to do it.
Is scroging the way to get the best yield in autos? Also in photos? Id of though sog was best for autos as they dont get long to veg?

Also how does scorging work so I see a screens placed above your plants and your supposed to get all plants the same level? Dont the plants grow different rates n through the gaps or are you supposed to then weave the branchs through a series of gaps?
Yeah you weave the stems around the netting so the canopy (everything above the mesh net) is even. It distributes growth evenly and if you remove all the little popcorn buds from the under side of the plant (the ones that won't ever get enough light to grow into buds) then more energy is put into those top buds, so they grow bigger.
Any pics of someones grow as they are weaving? How many plants would you use for a scrog? I think id like to force my dads friend to try this so I can see it in action lol
Any pics of someones grow as they are weaving? How many plants would you use for a scrog? I think id like to force my dads friend to try this so I can see it in action lol

Here is my attempt at SCRoG SAM_0822.jpgSAM_0846.jpgSAM_0848.jpgSAM_0849.jpgSAM_0858.jpgSAM_0860.jpgSAM_0869.jpg I am at day 26 but I think You can see how I am trying to train my ladies :coffe: