New Grower Yield estimate

Everywherrr I’ve read said you get way more yeild outdoors because you can’t mimic the sunlight no matter how many artificial watts….so I feel like half swear ourdoors and half swear by indoors autos so I’ll grow 2 one in one ourdoors see the difference in yeild …potency density all that
Also you say cobbs are good they have Cobb leds with 810 actual watts at htg supply …might get one or order an HLG light …same price around but only 550 actual watts
So when you top autos what week do you do it in …what node ?….I know I gotta time it just right for autos to deter it from stunting growth …
Everywherrr I’ve read said you get way more yeild outdoors because you can’t mimic the sunlight no matter how many artificial watts….so I feel like half swear ourdoors and half swear by indoors autos so I’ll grow 2 one in one ourdoors see the difference in yeild …potency density all that
I think you would get more from photos outside then auto's as you can veg photos for longer as auto are on a clock and you can give auto more dli intake indoors
So when you top autos what week do you do it in …what node ?….I know I gotta time it just right for autos to deter it from stunting growth …
I top at the 5 node as soon as i can each plant takes diff times so i dont go by week or days