New Grower Yellowish leaves, 9th day auto short-rider

  • Thread starter Thread starter tronikculture
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Hey everybody,

here are some photos of my little plant at her 13th day. Hope u enjoy.


Please leave your feedback!
Also, I need to know if it's the right time to transplant..

Some help woud be much appreciated!
Hey Tron... Looks good so far. I figured id chime in. I'm on my first grow so I'm no expert. I transplanted out of party cups on day 8. My plants weren't root bound but I was def surprised by the amount of roots I had in such a short time. They transitioned perfectly. A lot of people on here wait for sexing to trans. Page 3 of my journal has a picture step-by-step of what I did. Good luck!
Hi people,

Just transplated my baby to a bigger container.
I followed some instructions found on the web and in this forum..
The grow medium is the very same, so I won't have any problems there (I guess).
I saw savoy's grow journal and I sadly noticed that the roots of my plant were much smaller than savoy's. They weren't able to sustain most of the soil (yes, I watered yesterday to prevent this from happening...), but hey, they weren't bound also, so that's good news.
Anyway, I have to accept the facts: my conditions aren't as near as good as other growers. I'm on a tiny budget and that reflects on my plants development. I thought having direct sun all day long would supress the need to use a MH or HPS system (expensive). In my mind, daylight + some hours of my CLF desk lamp would be enough. And it is, don't take me wrong.. but by making the process of growing cheaper I'm also making it slower. I'm ok with it, as long as she develops nicely and I get a nice crop, that's fine for me.

I'm looking forward to be seeing my plants response to the transplant, I hear many people saying that this process normally induces stress to the plant and that, in some cases, the plant can die. Also, as I was sprinkling some soil after the transplant, some of it got stuck on some of the leaves that we're previously sprayed with clean water. So now I've got a few stains of mud on her and I don't seem to be able to remove them. Does that represent a problem?
Thanks for the shout out brother. The waiting and anticipation is def the hardest part. I guess it comes with the territory if your hobby is "watching the grass grow" haha.
Well I just get excited about it.. Since it's my first grow I don't know exactly what to expect so I seek support in others experience..
I just want her to be ok, even if she's growing slow.. ahah
Photo Update

Hey there!!

Got some new photos of the 14th day of my auto fem short rider, here it goes:


And these two are my brand new babies, Two Auto Fem Fast Bud's.
Put the 2 of them to germinate and in 36 hours they we're sprouting.

I potted them and I'm gonna leave them for two days without direct light, what do u think?


Please feedback!!
is that not nute burn

Yes, if u read the entire post u'll see that I had that problem before and I already stopped feeding her with nutes.. just plain water..

However, I think my pH is a little high..
I only own a liquid tester, I really can't afford and electronic one right now.. Anyway, fro my reading, my waters pH is floating between 8 and 7..
I read in other forums that simply by adding lemon juice to my water i can lower its pH in over 1 point, is that true?
If so, will buying some lemons and extracting it's juice do the trick for me?

I'm using bottled water btw..