New Grower Yellowish leaves, 9th day auto short-rider

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my Short Rider's 63rd day!

Hello people,

I've been out a lot, so long since my last update.
She's gorgeous, I'm really proud of her!

I think i might start flushing.

The photos:

she needs another week before you flush she will fill out more
Thanks tron

you really give me hope for my grow after seeing your turnaround.

I'm happy to be that useful!
good thing to enter this community.. I created some sort of journal that I can follow on my future grows. I've learnt how to read the signs and when to act (or not).
people around here we're always very helpful and taught me a lot (I was a zero on plants, and after this I think I've developed a special taste for gardening). I'm going back to my hometown in the end of December and it is most likely that I will start a small garden with vegetables and spices. It will taste a lot better knowing that I grew them and care for them.
If you're planning to start a grow, read something about the subject, and then read some more.. read everyday something about MJ growing, gradually everything starts to become clear, and it is highly important to understand why u do certain stuff, like pH'ing ur water, light schedules, whatever.. I recommend that u understand the system as a whole before u go on a grow.

Thanks everyone, I hope this post has inspired more people!
Nice plant Tronik! I agree with agito, give your girl another week before flush, she still has more bud to pack on.
Cheers, I just didn't forsee the problems I'm having this time. I grew photo's about 10 years ago and didn't have any problems. I didn't do PH or anything and everything worked out fine. So I thought why would this time work out any different. Anyway I've learn my lesson.

I'm happy to be that useful!
good thing to enter this community.. I created some sort of journal that I can follow on my future grows. I've learnt how to read the signs and when to act (or not).
people around here we're always very helpful and taught me a lot (I was a zero on plants, and after this I think I've developed a special taste for gardening). I'm going back to my hometown in the end of December and it is most likely that I will start a small garden with vegetables and spices. It will taste a lot better knowing that I grew them and care for them.
If you're planning to start a grow, read something about the subject, and then read some more.. read everyday something about MJ growing, gradually everything starts to become clear, and it is highly important to understand why u do certain stuff, like pH'ing ur water, light schedules, whatever.. I recommend that u understand the system as a whole before u go on a grow.

Thanks everyone, I hope this post has inspired more people!
Photolog Update - Short Rider's last week (I guess)

Hello people,

I've noticed that the plants actually ask for water when they're drying out, all the leaves bend downwards. It's interesting, it's a good way to manage the upcoming waterings.

So, I woke up this morning with an Autumn sun filling my balcony with light and warmness, and then my eyes crossed with my sad looking baby girl. I decided to water her with clean water and so started the flushing procedure. I grabbed my sprayer and misted her with some water, and then watered (the usual amount is 1 liter, the pot isn't too big, as you may have noticed). She loved it, 10 minutes later when I came to her, she was radiating life through her leaves, still with those water drops all over her.

Anyway, I haven't been around much, and after seeing her I couldn't resist to chop off 2 little chunks from the bottom, I've been curious (and artificially naive) to see if my fruits would actually stone me (I see many people call it sampling, I call it a f*ckin reward eheh).


I read that the time of harvest has a big influence on the high. Well, I think I've never had a body buzz before, but it feels goooooood. :o
I guess not waiting for the complete maturation of the trichromes isn't such a bad thing to do, right?

I dried one of them in the oven and the other next to a small bed lamp. Both were wrapped in tracing paper, the one in the oven stayed for 25-30 minutes in the oven in the minimum power, and the other one overnight. The result was very satisfatory, but the one dried with the heat from the lamp was more flavored.
The lesson here is: it isn't really worth sampling, I think it runs out nearly all of its potential. I'm doing this for the experience and for the pleasure of smoking something that I produced, and by rushing things I'll only be losing that sensation.

Nonetheless, it was a good thing to do this because I started wondering on how I will be drying the buds. I have to deal with my resources and the best thing I thought about was an old fridge that I keep at home, It has no power.
My idea was to dry them there, i guess it's a good place. As it shuts, no humidity can possibly get in the fridge, right? One thing I'm not sure is air circulation, is it still important at this time? So this is my new challenge, if you could help me I'd be much appreciated.

I'll now leave some photos I took moments ago for photo and MJ lovers.


Peace :peace:
I would say the fridge is not an ideal drying environment. You need to dry in a dark, dry, place with a moderate amount good air circulation. Wet bud+No air circulation=Mold. I have seen some people cut holes in the side of a cardboard box for air circulation and then attach string to each end to hang the buds from, maybe that could work for you. TBM has a great guide in the second post of this thread The plant looks gorgeous mate!