Indoor Yellowing/brown spots

Hey man I used to use town water that was 500ppm also. Every grow I would have the same spots, appears to be mg def, but is never that simple. Anyway, I would mix some Epsom salts ( half a handful in cupla litres) water with that twice in a week then the problem would go away, never to be seen until next rotation
I feel like no one is stating just how high the PPM numbers you listed are. I am honestly surprised the plant looks as good as it does with runoff at 4000 ppm, that is insanely high, even 1800 is way too high, and 500 ppm base water is also way to high. Your base water should be 200 ppm max unless using coco which can use up a bit more calmag maybe up to 300 ppm.

Some plants can tolerate pretty high nutrient ppm but your levels across to board are 2-4 x higher than they should be.

Get your base water ppm to about 200, reduce your feeding amount by at least 50% and increase the amount of fertigation so you are not getting so much nutrient build up. This is all advice for the next plant, that one is toast and will probably smoke very harsh and unpleasant no matter what you do at this point.

good luck on the next one