Mephisto Genetics Yeatster does Crack.

When I added the high end Cree I have had to up my cal mag and put that light way up. I have never had CM problems like this ever. But under my older cob no problems. I will dial in my new one but you have to start from seed to acclimatize them to Cree lights so it seems. The sour crack is a greasy fast plant done like a chicken dinner by day 60 easy at least for me.
lol I can think of one guy who went to 4tsp per gallon. Your correct and I see it more and more each day even with larger photo growers where they are talking about absurd levels of mag in flower.

You used 4tsp per gallon? That's roughly 5ml per Liter. That's reassuring. I really thought I had paid close attention. Thanks man.
When I added the high end Cree I have had to up my cal mag and put that light way up. I have never had CM problems like this ever. But under my older cob no problems. I will dial in my new one but you have to start from seed to acclimatize them to Cree lights so it seems. The sour crack is a greasy fast plant done like a chicken dinner by day 60 easy at least for me.

Thanks Fairly. I started her under Cree @ 40". I don't think this one will be done in 60 days though. She didn't start preflowers till like day 30.

I have really been looking for someone using so much Calmag. If you guys are saying 4ml/L is not unheard of then I feel a lot better.

Btw Fairly, I now realize what happened to my HBSS. I will be giving that another go, real soon. Do you think it would be wise to amend medium with more dolomite lime or will that be to acidic?

If I need to use that much Calmag on the regular, I need to figure something out.
First 2 were 1 tsp per gallon
IMG_4012.JPG IMG_4014.JPG
Increased 2-4 tsp per gallon

Same strain, lights and nutrients
Another respected confirmation. @A- train, would you care to explain, at which stage in plant life you begin heavy dosing of calmag, also, when you decrease doses.

One other question...have you considered amending promix with more dolomite lime, to decrease the need for so much CalMg?
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