Wow, life sure does get in the way of my gardening! At any rate, it’s super nice that I have enough automation that I don’t have to worry about environment.
Here’s where we are today:
Here we go, another day in the garden. Things are growing well. Remarkable the difference in plants of the same strain and reasonably similar conditions. There’s two critical kush and two strawberry something and they couldn’t be more different from each other. Crazy. Two of each strain look great and two look meh, just okay. I wondered if the soil may have been too hot. Happy Frog is available and cheap so it’s what I use. I always use a seedling mix plug the size of a red cup in each pot and I did get 100% germ this time. Who knows. . .
Here’s a picture of what I mean. The two red pots are critical kush and the green and tan pots are strawberry gorilla. I tried to mark them but gave up. iPad, fat fingers, no coffee or patience.