Indoor WVR'S Auto Grow

Kitty Meds

yo Reb i just found this great stuff that could help with kitty,,,,
View attachment 112763,,,,,take 2 of these and call if he aint better call me in the morning kinda meds ,,,,,,,,,man get well kitty ,,, orry dont know his real name ......:wiz:
petwellbieng gets a :thumbs: from us ..great service dog has Cushings disease..petwellbieng makes a miracle product called "supraglan" really helps her...
and it only costs about $1 /day....all natural and organic too..

Heck yeah RSV! Loving what I see from that site! The product we need for him too has like 365 review and 4.5 out of 5 stars. People were telling the same story that happened to me today at the vet... "there's no reversing this, we can't fix it," well, we'll see about that... :D

Sorry to hear about your cat WVR :smokebuds:

Thanks LUSSO. :smokebuds:

yo Reb i just found this great stuff that could help with kitty,,,,
View attachment 112763,,,,,take 2 of these and call if he aint better call me in the morning kinda meds ,,,,,,,,,man get well kitty ,,, orry dont know his real name ......:wiz:

LOL Swampman, you are too cool Buddy! That's awesome! LOL The Wife was trying to get me to sprinkle some keif in his wet food earlier LMAO She said it would help with his discomfort... It's possible! But, I figured he had enough drama today at the Vet so didn't wanna give him a possible bad trip on top of it! I'm not sure how animals react to bud... of keif... I know my Buddy had his dog eat 2 oz last summer... He said she acted funny for a few hours, puked, then slept for hours. Oh his name is "Runty". My Wife called him "Runt" cuz he was the Runt of the litter. It somehow morphed into Runty years ago. I call him Ginger :D

Hope things get better with your cat bro!

Thanks Pher! Appreciate all the love Bro! So does Runty!!

Snipe, I'll be clipping some test nuggs in a minute here... Hopefully we won't get pounded tomorrow like they say we might... Well, we'll be pounded on some Frost Dragons... Mother Nature can do her pounding elsewhere... :smoke:
Sad to hear your Ginger is not doing so well bro. Sending my condolences to you and the Mrs. Hoping for a fast recovery. Sending loads of healing karma to you all :wiz:
rebel i hope runty/ginger proves the vet wrong.

hope the test goes good too :D

thanks for the heads up on the weather
Oh man! It's family. You gotta do what you gotta do! Ginger's gonna love his new medicine, just like his parents love theirs.

Healthy karma sent
ginger has nine lives!! the vet was talking about his first, the new meds will take care of him!:thumbs:my cat maya, has feline lukeimia, three years ago the vet said he had about three months to live, wrong!three years later he is as skinny as a rail, eats constantly, and is doing ok! when i collapsed at work, and was taken to the emergency room, they ran there tests, the next day they told me i have just a few weeks left to live!! they called in my wife and told her, they wanted to call in my daughter and tell her, again they were wrong! pets are family and i am devestated when there time has come, kitty karma headed your way!
DAng REb, Was gone all weekend, hoping things arrive and that ginger gets better. Loss is loss and thoughts of loss are terrible too! Hope all goes well, and the once again the allopathic model of health is proved wrong!!!