DUDE!!! You have created a WINNER man!! We LOVE this Medusa!! I'd say we're both turned to stone right now... The slight hissing of the snakes tantalizing us got us up around 9:45am... By 10:15 we were ripped! The funniest shit was my Mom called and we just started smoking. So the Wife is coughing her head off in the back ground... I'm looking at her trying not to laugh my ass off cuz she's all coughing and laughing and trying to be quiet but you know when you're trying to be quiet and you're just laughing? LOL My Mom's all "damn, you guys are hitting that good shit this early?!"
Dude, her taste is very unique... I have her in the tub still... Gonna chop her in a few here. The whole bathroom smells of a citrus/cat piss type smell. I know for sure she made us cough our asses off for the first few minutes!:smoke: Bomb ass shit bro! I can't wait to smoke her all dried and cured!! I'll be growing a shit ton of her soon man!
Swampman you're awesome bro! Yeah she does have a a cool tie dyed hippie look to her! I like the fully clothed shots too man!! Thanks a LOT Brother! I'm not sure about the Multi Pot thing... That's a good question...

Swampman you're awesome bro! Yeah she does have a a cool tie dyed hippie look to her! I like the fully clothed shots too man!! Thanks a LOT Brother! I'm not sure about the Multi Pot thing... That's a good question...