Sad to hear your Ginger is not doing so well bro. Sending my condolences to you and the Mrs. Hoping for a fast recovery. Sending loads of healing karma to you all
Thanks Captain! He needs all the Karma he can get! Much appreciated Bud. :smokebuds:
I hope you can help your Ginger Runt, Rebel. I'm so sorry to hear this.
Healthy Cat Karma coming... :smokebuds:
Thank you so much Noods! He's doing pretty damn good today! We got him some Science Diet wet and dry food. The one for Older cats that's supposed to help with Kidney Function. So with that and the holistic meds that are coming we're hoping he'll be putting the weight back on soon. We got 2 cans of food in him in the last 24 hours which is awesome. I've been taking him out to make sure he goes lol that's been pretty normal so I got a great feeling we can keep him around for a while longer!
rebel i hope runty/ginger proves the vet wrong.
hope the test goes good too
thanks for the heads up on the weather
Snipe! Dude.... Vanilla Cappuccino!! That's EXACTLY what she tastes like!! She's pretty damn good now but we can let her go longer... She's 71 days today. Here's the deal... We took her on the road. I rolled 4 of 'em as I usually get that much from the amount I take. I take all them with us in case it's not that strong. Today we took a route we normally take when we expect to be ripped. Way back country... not much traffic... mostly critters (I ended up pulling a box turtle out of the road and I was so ripped when I got out the car I was laughing at myself lol).
Now, we take off towards Ohio and start smoking one... Halfway through the first one I told the Wife I felt like I was growing horns out my forehead like the two points right above your eyes LOL it was great! Awesome heady high at first then brings you to this nice relaxed place where you're not mad at anyone If you know what I mean! Then on the way back (we only could smoke 2 by the way... and we ended up just finishing the 4th about an hour ago. We got on the road at 2pm! Nice long lasting effect!) I had to stop at the store and typically when I'm that ripped I get noided out in public. Not with the Frosties!!! I was ripped but felt like a million bucks! I didn't give a shit who or how many were in the store or "are they staring at me" lol Got my stuff and cruised on home. Man I'm kicking myself for not polly'ing her man! But if I see her again, and I know I will, she's getting hit hard! I'm weird too lol I LOVE the smell of burnt bud lol especially good dank stuff. Like if you smoke a doob, can't finish it and you just smell the half smoked joint and can't get enough. It was like sweet coffee. I love that!! I'm gonna copy and paste this into the FD home thread if you don't mind. We also realized the taste is almost identical to the sour60. Except the Vanilla! That is strictly FD! Sour60 is just like strong coffee. But very similar in taste and it's SOOOOO good man. Man we are so SPOILED right now with all this amazing bud to smoke! I gotta pm you too man... So keep an eye out!
Oh man! It's family. You gotta do what you gotta do! Ginger's gonna love his new medicine, just like his parents love theirs.
Healthy karma sent
Thank you Hugo! Ginger really appreciates it!!!
ginger has nine lives!! the vet was talking about his first, the new meds will take care of him!:thumbs:my cat maya, has feline lukeimia, three years ago the vet said he had about three months to live, wrong!three years later he is as skinny as a rail, eats constantly, and is doing ok! when i collapsed at work, and was taken to the emergency room, they ran there tests, the next day they told me i have just a few weeks left to live!! they called in my wife and told her, they wanted to call in my daughter and tell her, again they were wrong! pets are family and i am devestated when there time has come, kitty karma headed your way!
That's right Astro!! Glad your Kitty and YOU proved both the Vet AND MDs wrong! Thanks for the Kitty Karma Brother!
DAng REb, Was gone all weekend, hoping things arrive and that ginger gets better. Loss is loss and thoughts of loss are terrible too! Hope all goes well, and the once again the allopathic model of health is proved wrong!!!
Thank you Insert!! You're awesome Brother! I'm sure he will prove em wrong.
Here's a shot of Ginger Runt! LOL