It's N poisoning. Happy Frog is very high in nitrogen as it is (more so than even Ocean Forest). It's not the hottest soil but it has enough nutrients in it to last at least 3 weeks with just PH'd water feedings. Oneness is 5-9-4. Cal-Mag is also 2-0-0.
I disagree with agito that your PH is "out of whack", you're watering at the perfect PH.
Your leaves are dark and waxy looking. There's definitely some nitrogen toxicity going on there. Too much nitrogen locks out Cal, hence your rust colored bottom (older) leaves being locked out. It will spread.. Flush with a 6.3-6.5 based water solution with no nutes, give it a week and start back up slowly. You overfed your plant, that's all.
Also, your nutes do work in soil.