Dutch Passion With Love from Portugal...

Lookin healthy :)

Good decision moving your crop indoors, I don't have that choice so the weather is taking it's tow on me. Indoors one is able to control the environment better.
Just make sure to very carefully check the girls over every day for any signs of infestation once you move them inside. Plants aren't the only things that grow prolifically and exponentially indoors.
Red, If the temps are not going to high in your house I'd give those extra two hours of light, bump the light to 20 hours on. I think that they'll like it. I was checking out your Family pic, and thinking that if you have those hundred day Automazars and the rain keeps up, you are going to have a forest in there pretty quick with all of those seedlings and three big Girls! Congrats

The temps are a litle low actually around 22ºc, i don´t no if is a good idea put the light on 20h on because in one or two weeks i will put them on the balcony, i don´t want to strees them.
The other seedlings is for my guerrilla is non-autos.

Lookin healthy :)

Good decision moving your crop indoors, I don't have that choice so the weather is taking it's tow on me. Indoors one is able to control the environment better.

i only have 2h of sun is no good for them, fucking winter lol.

Just make sure to very carefully check the girls over every day for any signs of infestation once you move them inside. Plants aren't the only things that grow prolifically and exponentially indoors.

i now, before i put them inside i clean the room and after put then inside i spray some neem.

Thanks guys.
The sun is back :)
Mmmm where you at? In Lisbon it's supposed to be raining for more 5 days. Mine are presently inside the house at the window. Come check them in my grow thread :)
is the best light we have and it´s free lol.
this is near porto hugo, it´s good weather here.
They are big 60cm tall, i don´t mind if they stop growing lol.
Definitely! How many watts would a light bulb/LED need to have to imitate the sun properly? :)

Maybe you should start LSTing them. Then you'll have more bud and more camouflage :)