Dutch Passion With Love from Portugal...

wish I could help you on your question, but I know nothing about soil. How is it going, temps down there are kinda cold out side? Give us an update, please:D
wish I could help you on your question, but I know nothing about soil. How is it going, temps down there are kinda cold out side? Give us an update, please:D

During the night its bit cold around 12º in the day its almost like summer 26º this week, not bad for this time of year lol.

Is Piranha a grow/veg nute? I don't keep up with all of AN's product names.
If so, roughly about the 3rd week is about the time to start giving them a very diluted feeding of veg/grow nutes. Use it until about a week after they start to flower, then switch to bloom/flowering nute.

the piranha is more for rooting, transplantig, germination. i think that this is more for the developement of the roots tham it is for feed of the plants.
With the soil that i am using i dont think to give any veg. ferts. only in the flower stage i will give delta 9 + iguana bloom and some molasses.
Thanks you guys.
Just to do update without photos. the girls is growing well.
Now i am using a new method to watering is the "kondenskompressor" or solar watering
you can see how it works here:

i do a small change the plant is inside of the big bootle like a greenhouse with a small hole. this is just for the first week´s when they´re litle.
Next mondy i will put new photos.
I am using this method and i like, after 2 days the plant is inside of the big bottle and the leafs was full of water has the ground was wet.
But i dont think its works for 3months, becuase the water only reaches the top soil.
Time to update with photos this time lol.

they have 2 weeks
Looking good?
very cool red! yes they are looking good:dance2:i like the watering method low maintenance:D check out my indoor grow mate.
thanks astro.
this method his good to keep the soil wet, and the water must be very good because that evaporates.

I hate indoors sorry bro. just kiding lol lol. put the link.
hello good people lol.
its time to the weakly update.
i am Watering 2 time a weak, one is just water the other is with piranha by AN.
Nothing else to say, a few pic. i think is going well.
