Dutch Passion With Love from Portugal...

i can´t imagine the bill in the end of the month lol.
in one of them i´m doing a good Lst, is about 40cm alreddy in the flower stage, the others not so mutch.
one thing i was doing some lolipopping in the small buds in the lower branches and i want to now if is good to cut the fan leafs close to the small buds? onother thing one is full flower mode (2º week) can i twist\squeeze with fingers and bend over some of the big branchs?
new project in mind, super crop on a auto it´s possible?
24H later

She recovered very fast, can turn in to a hermy?
6 weeks old i think, just shown the sex, it´s not in full flower. if she was more advenced i stay still
Now i have one pine tree, one LST and this super cropp.
any guess who will be the heaviest? lol
i accepte the money lol lol.
the Lst is the more advenced with 5 main buds, she is looking very promesing.
now is waiting on the super croop to see how she recovers.