Sweet Seeds Wile-e-peyote does a Black Jack or four

@Hansbricks about the auto pots ive heard you don't put an airstone in the res what would you recommend (I will be using airdomes in the pots)also do you fill your res up to the top or leave a bit of room and would you put your res in the tent or outside any way that's all for now shit its Monday tomorrow I'm sad now:frowny:
Hey bro, no I haven't been using an airstone in my res last couple grows (not that I don't recommend one). If I'm away for an extended period I do put a pump in there to help keep it mixed and last longer (This pump works great and can run dry without damage). Normally I pretty much never fill up my res completely though since I try to make it last just enough for 5-6 days... The res will stay good and pH stable for at least a week but going much longer than that can cause problems including clogging up the aquavalves.
Hey bro, no I haven't been using an airstone in my res last couple grows (not that I don't recommend one). If I'm away for an extended period I do put a pump in there to help keep it mixed and last longer (This pump works great and can run dry without damage). Normally I pretty much never fill up my res completely though since I try to make it last just enough for 5-6 days... The res will stay good and pH stable for at least a week but going much longer than that can cause problems including clogging up the aquavalves.
Cheers dude that's all I do now with my drippers usually fill up around 15 to 20 ltrs depending on the plant [emoji106]
hey up peeps its the weekend and update time all the girls are growing bb girl is looking a bit rough the feed strength is 1 ml liquid silica,1.5 ml cal mag,2 ml dutch pro bloom A+B(each), 1 ml dutch pro explode,2.5 ml cannazyme and 0.5 ml sm-90 per ltr of water (ph 5.8) pic time


she may be leggy but she sure is a frosty girl right on with the update coco time
1 ml liquid silica,1 ml cal mag,2 ml canna A+B (each)and 1 ml big bud per ltr of water being fed 4x a day
first up big girl in coco


now if only them buds fill out more now for rhubarb its a mad one now she ha hit the light shes gone a bit leafy


and for the life of me I couldn't get a shot of the other one so a whole tent shot will have to do

have a great weekend :pass:
love how she's leaning over to the light ...
cheers for dropping in dude theres a cob directly over her shes having a few deficiencys nothing to major but they do like the cob light might have to get another one when I'm not paying stupid money to keep the tent warm :pass:
morning stoners update time the girls are chugging along and starting to fatten up first up is BB girl the feed strength is 1 ml liquid silica,1.5 ml cal mag,1.5 ml dutch pro bloom A+B(each), 1 ml dutch pro explode,2.5 ml cannazyme and 0.5 ml sm-90 per ltr of water (ph 5.8) pic time

sorry about the pic that ultimate is still hogging my tent

even the little buds at the side are frosty as fuck

right now the coco girls 1 ml liquid silica,1 ml cal mag,2 ml canna A+B (each)and 1 ml big bud per ltr of water being fed 4x a day first up the coco number 1



and I still cant get a pic of the other one shes still alive just cant see her ha ha now for rhubarb


well that's all for now have a great weekend :pass:
Hey bro, no I haven't been using an airstone in my res last couple grows (not that I don't recommend one). If I'm away for an extended period I do put a pump in there to help keep it mixed and last longer (This pump works great and can run dry without damage). Normally I pretty much never fill up my res completely though since I try to make it last just enough for 5-6 days... The res will stay good and pH stable for at least a week but going much longer than that can cause problems including clogging up the aquavalves.

@Hansbricks - I fucking love your advice and knowledge sharing.

Kudos to you man :slap:
Loving the photos @Wile e Peyote ... appreciate your effort putting the Journal together.
Real pleasure to follow it :pighug:

In a weird, eclectic, cutesy kinda way ... I think I have the hots for rhubarb.
I like her spirit.
cheers for dropping by dude rhubarb is now the second tallest in the tent shes just a bud on a stick bless her :pass: