Wild Bill does EarthBoxes under HLG DIABLO 650R

It does look like I have to hit Mango N Chem with some nitrogen.
I'll wait until tomorrow and mix up some stuff for her after I see how well the feeder roots have made it into the nute bank.
More than likely, I'll mix up BAS flower with a dash more aminos and Blue Gold flower. I'll add spme more compost so I can add more of the liquid. I think I'll give Knows Candy a bit too.
I didn't expect for her to be that hungry.
Need to bring out the scope to check Stomper. She's coming up on that 65 day mark.
Quick tent check shows 2 gal are needed,
Yeah, Mangos N Chem is a heavy feeder, I'm surprised she needs more N, but probably logical with her trending to be a higher leaf/bud ratio. Not gonna wait for the rez to dry. I'm just gonna make a compost slurry with the liquid nute mix I had in mind. It has some quickly available N and longer term and should see results in a day or so.
Might be a good idea to look at the nute banks on all EB Jr girls to see the feeder root intrusion. I'm sure the two Regs are fine to finish out with no more top dressings.
Amazing. Mangos N Chem has worked her way thru the nute bank. Feeder roots are just below the surface at the thickest part. So, while I have plants out, I'll check crazy Knows Candy and the other tents after 5pm. No other plants show any problems, but may have to take preventative measures.
I was kinda hoping to only top dress twice........the initial nute mound making and one at the start of flower. No other signs of other nute issues. Maybe it's just her demands.
I guess I can make a conclusion by tonight with the check of all the other girls.
Mangos N Chem and Knows Candy got dressed. As long as I expect Knows Candy to run, I dressed her also.
Each girl got top dressed with the following:
4 Tablespoons of Roots Organic Terp tea
2 Tablespoons of Roots Organic Flower
Roughly 6 handfuls of EWC over the top of that and lightly wetted.

The water to mix into the Lobster compost has the following.
BAS Bloom with 1/4 teaspoon of Aminos
Blue Gold Flower
Source water with 1/4 teaspoon of humic acid per 5 gal

The slurry was added to the tops of both girls, sprinkled with a light covering of Teriganix Bokashi and topped loosly with alfa hay ant the covers replaced.
Both rez were filled stock humic acid water.
DAY 65
The girls in the 4x4 are showing signs of fade beginning and bud coloring. Still no ambers on SS.
Sour Stomper X CDLC] x FORUM STOMPER by Mephisto

At 61 days, she's getting color in her buds. Camera can't really catch it. It's a very pretty violet hue.
It's a freebie.........and the only one I had! If the smoke is good, I'd have a shop full of them. EASY girls to grow and great structure.
My girls yesterday under HLG DIABLO 650R
DAY 67
This light is simply a beast! The only sorta of a negative I can say, I haven't been able to turn it up fully!:rofl: And that's with the PAR figures averaging around 850.
I was worried about heat control with this light with the driver still mounted to light, but it's been no problem to keep things in the proper heat range.
If I had my growroom built in my shop, I'd have four of these lights going and I could help a few more Vets with meds all the canna these lights would make!!:headbang::headbang::headbang::woohoo:
I'm so damn grateful for AFN, Les @HLG and the amazing guys and gals at Horticultural Lighting Group for giving me the opportunity to test and show off this outstanding light!
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Sour Stomper X CDLC] x FORUM STOMPER by Mephisto

Look at the color coming in on this girl!!!!!!!!!
Damn! I wished I didn't have to supercrop her main cola!!!!!!! :face:
She would have been a great catalog pic!