New Grower Why You Should NOT use Miracle Grow!

I totally agree there is better stuff than MG and supporting the roundup/monsantos death club.

I question the info in your post though. Any chemical based fertilizer is prohibited from organic farming because it's synthetic. Synthetic anything in your soil is going to diminish the soil food web of fungi/bacteria/bugs/voles/man there's a lot of stuff down there. When that web breaks down; you need the stronger fertilizers to overcome what the soil is now lacking. That degradation leads to a loss of top soil and top soil is the only thing that allows us to live on a rock in space. Yes we NEED to get back to organic ways and stop monocroping.

I think the bigger issue with ANY chemical fertilizer is the quality. A low quality product is going to have impurities because they are buying vats of who knows what from overseas where standards and testing are low. Could be full of lead/cobalt/Molybdenum/you name it really, anything. The stuff is blue it's just bad news. What's worse is that even though they will not tell you what is in it, by law fertilizers are not allowed to fully list what is in them. It's a sad game we've let them get us into, it shall be the death of us all. :no:
Remember we can All have an Opinion without fighting about it...:smile:..Thanks for Keeping the Vibe...from now on..
Decent article, a bit over the top hyperbola wise, but it does stimulate the thinking parts.
All else beside, I do not want to support them (Monsanto, Scotts, etc.) I think someone else mentioned the author seems more upset with herbicide, chemical use in general than just MG.
I just never considered using it for my garden. I have spent a lot of time and money on my set up, using cheep (not the same as inexpensive) nutrients just is not something I want to do. I do use a chemical fertilizer, Rock Nutrients, but that product is specially formulated for what I am doing. More along the lines of right tool for the job and all.
There are other companies that produce chem nutes also like Schultz,expert,just to name a few. They are all made with the the same ingredients,Ammoniacal nitrogen,Urea Nitrogen,potassium Phosphate,potassium Chloride.Basically all chemnutes including the ones sold at grow stores for either hydro or soil are made with the same ingredients that MG uses.Knowing this we all have a choice of using either chem nutes or organic nutes, it's your choice.

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There are other companies that produce chem nutes also like Schultz,expert,just to name a few. They are all made with the the same ingredients,Ammoniacal nitrogen,Urea Nitrogen,potassium Phosphate,potassium Chloride.Basically all chemnutes including the ones sold at grow stores for either hydro or soil are made with the same ingredients that MG uses.Knowing this we all have a choice of using either chem nutes or organic nutes, it's your choice.
I woukd rather give my plants MG nutes than chicken bat an cow worm shit, fish guts, blood and ashes.

There is a reason almost all large comercial food farmers use chems, they yield more easier

Plants eat the same sfuff whether its nitrares from a bag or from microbes.

But composting is cheeper than the 7 cents a gallon i pay in MG fertz.
So i may try it someday....
Thanks for the replies, and keeping the vibe I respect everyones point of view. Thought the tread was going south for a mintue there. I did not write the article but agree with most everything that was said. My thoughts are if you want to live organic and protect the world you would not support monsanto they have a track record of just not giving a flying skunk about anything but making money. A another thought is why would you support the only company that has the potental to take away our right to grow anything and they have said on record they want to target cannabis growers so they would by more of their product? They are a very messed up corp. And it sounds kind of fishy

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Thanks for the replies, and keeping the vibe I respect everyones point of view. Thought the tread was going south for a mintue there. I did not write the article but agree with most everything that was said. My thoughts are if you want to live organic and protect the world you would not support monsanto they have a track record of just not giving a flying skunk about anything but making money. A another thought is why would you support the only company that has the potental to take away our right to grow anything and they have said on record they want to target cannabis growers so they would by more of their product? They are a very messed up corp. And it sounds kind of fishy
So what is this stuff doing to our environment? I know it is all abot yeild to some, and that's fine. But what are your children drinking?

Did you know that people have done testing on the chemicals in Round UP (Monsanto), and traces of that chemical are found in almost every plant and every animal in the USA, including humans.

Did you know, that because of chemical fertilizers, and herbicides, that the nutrition we find in foods is almost 2/3's less than what it used to be, or compared to farmers who use NON GMO seeds in an organic environment.

That is why we over eat, because we are not getting nutrition that we are supposed to be having, in the amount of food we are eating.

The Sheriff's association in California has one major beef with cannabis garderners. It is the chemicals that they use, that gets into our groundwater.

I could go on, but I think if I don't use these chemicals, then my grandaughter will live in a better place when she raises her children.

There are other evils, but this is one that should be considered and wighed very carefully because of what it leaves behind.

My two cents,


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sounds like your smoking to much been using m.g for years now never had a prob plants are Big buds are fat as my 3 dogs arnt sick (ones over 15 years old still runs around like a puppy)just pulled over 1.5 pounds of one out door grow.i think im more worried about using hydro chemicals inside with the hot environment i have

It is inferior to everything, and their business practices are deplorable. What justification is there for using MG for years, other than a reluctance to step your game up? Upgrade your medium, and maybe someday you can smoke too much also.
Decent article, a bit over the top hyperbola wise, but it does stimulate the thinking parts.
All else beside, I do not want to support them (Monsanto, Scotts, etc.) I think someone else mentioned the author seems more upset with herbicide, chemical use in general than just MG.
I just never considered using it for my garden. I have spent a lot of time and money on my set up, using cheep (not the same as inexpensive) nutrients just is not something I want to do. I do use a chemical fertilizer, Rock Nutrients, but that product is specially formulated for what I am doing. More along the lines of right tool for the job and all.

I've been looking at, and I am considering for my next grow, RAW products. What they are doing is packing the individual minerals, and you make the mix. I think you should take a look!

:Sharing One:
Hydro heads also looking for cheap alternatives should look into Jacks. Lots of info about it on other forums, run a Google search.

You are paying for water with liquid fertilizers. If you really want to save, buy an accurate scale to measure milligrams, and mix your own salts.