New Grower Why You Should NOT use Miracle Grow!


Canna Engineer
Sep 11, 2013
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Really Good Article, i thought it could help people see that miracle grow will not help you.

"For marijuana growers who want to spend as little money as possible on their marijuana plants, Scotts Miracle-Gro fertilizers and soils are as cheap as you can get.
You can buy several pounds of Miracle-Gro fertilizer for $25.
At half a teaspoon per feeding, you might still have some of it years from now.
Scotts Miracle-Gro costs less than professional hydroponics fertilizers because it's made from the cheapest, chemical forms of overkill N-P-K ratios, such as those 24-8-16 or 10-52-10 Miracle-Gro products.
Phosphorus @ 52? If you’re looking at your professional hydroponics base nutrients ratios, noticing they’re not like Miracle-Gro's N-P-K, and wondering if industrial chems in Miracle-Gro could be the reason Miracle-Gro buds taste like ammonia, you’re asking the right questions.
Especially when you hear people complaining that when their pets ate plants grown with Miracle-Gro, ingested even tiny amounts of Miracle-Gro, their pets got sick or died.
And yet, some marijuana growers persist in using and even promoting Miracle-Gro!
They claim you can "get by" without professional hydroponics nutrients.
That even though the quality and quantity of buds you get using Miracle-Gro are far less than when you use professional hydroponics nutrients, "it's worth it because you save a little money."
But here's what Miracle-Gro promoters might not understand: when people use Miracle-Gro, their fertilizer money goes into the bank accounts of a criminal corporation that’s doing lots of harm to the world, to marijuana plants, and to people and animals.
Here are the scandalous facts about Scotts Miracle-Gro and marijuana...
Scotts MIracle-Gro Makes Weed Killers...So Don't Use it to Grow Weed

The Scotts Miracle-Gro company sells cheap fertilizer, chemicalized soils, bird food…and mega-tons of persistent, powerful poisons that kill bees, butterflies, birds, amphibians, pets, plants, and entire ecosystems.
When people want lawns to look like a dark-green carpet, they might employ Scotts' “lawn care specialists."
Those "specialists" spray lawns in my neighborhood with poisons and fertilizers so smelly, toxic, and disgusting that my eyes hurt and I’m coughing even hours after the Scotts poison crew leaves my neighborhood.
Along with Chemlawn and TruGreen, Scotts' poisons and “fertilizes” yards with toxins.
Because of Scotts and other lawn chemical companies, dogs and cats are at increased risk of dying of aggressive cancers and other terrible diseases.
There’s an increasing stack of scientific evidence that Scotts chemicals make kids sick too.
But hey, anything for a green lawn without “weeds,” right?

Which leads me to wonder why any weed grower uses Scotts Miracle-Gro products.
After all, Scotts pockets millions of profit dollars selling weed killers.
I can't grow marijuana outdoors where I live anymore...because Scotts Miracle-Gro poisons blew over onto my property and ruined my outdoor marijuana plants!
Scotts tries to portray itself as an "environmentally-friendly" company.
But when you investigate Scotts Miracle-Gro it's easy to see the corporation's main goal is to make massive profits regardless of the consequences to us, the environment, our families, and our marijuana plants.
In fact, Scotts Miracle-Gro is a convicted corporate criminal. In 2012, Scotts Miracle-Gro pled guilty in federal court to selling millions of bags of deliberately-poisoned bird food that killed birds and fish.
Evidence showed that Scotts employees warned management the bird food was poisoned, but Scotts management continued to sell the poisoned products nearly a year after the warnings.
Not only that, but Scotts reportedly criminally falsified pesticide registration data to defraud the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Corporations are supposed to be "people" (or so says the U.S. Supreme Court) so many of us wonder why Scotts Miracle-Gro, or its biologically-human owners, were not put in prison.
All they had to do was pay a fine…a fine they probably wrote off as a business expense tax deduction.
Scotts Miracle-Gro: In Bed With Monsanto

Still wanting to use Miracle-Gro for marijuana because it costs less than hydroponics nutrients?
Well, consider this: Miracle-Gro is the authorized U.S. distributor for Monsanto Roundup, a drug war weed killer increasingly seen as a killer of the environment, pets, and perhaps of the human species too.
The main ingredient in Roundup (glyphosate), causes a wide variety of toxicity problems for humans, other mammals, amphibians, and entire ecosystems.
As with the Miracle-Gro birdseed fraud, the EPA discovered that research labs hired by Monsanto were falsifying test results. Lab personnel and directors were indicted on multiple felony counts.

A June, 2013 study conducted by Brazil’s University of Santa Catarina is one of many studies showing links between Roundup and hormonal problems in humans.
In this particular study, researchers concluded Roundup may cause men to experience lower sperm counts and other reproductive problems in countries where Roundup is heavily used for lawns and industrial agriculture.
Fraud is as popular as poison for companies like Monsanto and Scotts Miracle-Gro.
In 1996, Monsanto got in trouble for saying that Roundup was “safer than table salt.”
In 2007, the French government convicted Monsanto of false advertising for claiming Roundup was safe for the environment and had no harmful effects on soil.
And you’ve probably heard that Roundup is integral to the Frankenstein GMOs process of genetically altering food crops so they have to be sprayed with Roundup.
They call them “Roundup Ready” crops. Monsanto GMOs are causing major alarms worldwide. Do any of us really want to be handing our money to Scotts and Monsanto?
Scotts Miracle-Gro & Monsanto Are DEA Drug War Buddies

Look, I get it that some marijuana growers are so broke they can't afford anything better than Miracle-Gro.
I like to save money too, but sometimes you have to do what's right, and spend a few pennies more.
There are marijuana growers who just don't care that Scotts Miracle-Gro and its partner Monsanto do bad things to the environment. poison us, and engage in criminal business practices.
But don't Miracle-Gro marijuana growers have any respect for their marijuana plants?
Haven't they figured out that Scotts Miracle-Gro soils and fertilizers aren't designed for marijuana and are known to severely burn, underfeed, toxify, or kill marijuana?
It's like this outdoor marijuana grower I met...
His cannabis plants were attacked by budworms, mites, thrips. Instead of putting them into a greenhouse or doing indoor cannabis growing, he sprayed them with poisons all the way to harvest time, and sold those buds to unsuspecting victims.
While I was visiting his outdoor marijuana grow op, I saw that right next to his poison bottles were containers of Scotts Miracle-Gro.
He was offended when I refused to smoke his chem-weed with him.
That shallow, selfish Miracle-Gro mentality--of using harsh, poisons, cheap-ass chem fertilizers, and not caring about the quality and safety of your buds--is typical of Miracle-Gro fans.
But do these Miracle-Gro cannabis growers not even have enough conscience to care that Monsanto Roundup is a favorite tool of drug warriors? Especially DEA-backed drug warriors in South America who spray Roundup on coca and marijuana crops.
Scotts Miracle-Gro is so embedded in the drug war, and in wars in general, that Scotts recently added a Lieutenant General from the U.S. Military to its board of directors!
The connections between Scotts Miracle-Gro, Monsanto, and the drug war are among many reasons hydroponics stores don’t sell Miracle-Gro, but they do sell safe, properly-designed hydroponics nutrients (like Advanced Nutrients) made specifically to meet the unique needs of the only plant in the universe that produces THC.
And what a coincidence that after Miracle-Gro floated news stories saying it might start making fertilizer for marijuana, all of a sudden Miracle-Gro marijuana grower videos appeared on the Internet.
Miracle-Gro marijuana gardening promoters forget to mention that Scotts' soils are known as fungus gnat farms and cause a lots of problems for marijuana.
These Miracle-Grow videos are sponsored, stealth advertisements for Miracle-Gro, rather than legit marijuana grow videos.
So you see it's no surprise the marijuana community is calling out marijuana growers who use and promote Scotts Miracle-Gro nutrients and soils.
Because the unavoidable truth is Miracle-Gro marijuana growers support a drug war, DEA ally, corporate criminal that makes inferior products that harm our marijuana plants, pets, families, and environment.":peace:

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sounds like your smoking to much been using m.g for years now never had a prob plants are Big buds are fat as my 3 dogs arnt sick (ones over 15 years old still runs around like a puppy)just pulled over 1.5 pounds of one out door grow.i think im more worried about using hydro chemicals inside with the hot environment i have
hey it may work for you, but just you know your slowly poisoning your self using that crap bro! I never said it didnt work, your proof it does. A lot people here are medical growers and care what they put into their plants, your first post and you telling me I smoke too much? I'm not even high at the moment. Just because it works doesn't make it good for you.

And that chemical taste the people like to pass off as potency isn't! real potency isn't in the taste its in the bud its self. All mg bud taste funky which is easy to mistake the harsh ness for potency but use a different line of profuct bet you never us mg again
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case in point.Watch a movie called ,eating alabama,i believe.It refers to farmers and monsanto.the soy is seriously called roundup readies,why you ask is it a hosed up name?well guess who makes it,AANNDD,treats itt with round up so it has an even growing method ,even when its sprayed with round up.LOL!kinda wierd.slightly off topic,but the point stays the same imho,be good.:Sharing One: jacked up stuff eh?!!
Miracle Grow is not for hydro as far as I know. It is a basic NPK fertilizer for soil based growing. I have used it for years in our garden without issue

Could you provide some links for some of the other information you posted? I am very interested

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Reading the info from BigBud it seems that the writer's real issue is with herbicides. Apples and Oranges in my book.
searching the web ull find a lot of opinons. Does mg work? Yes totally, is it good for your health? Not so much. I feel cannabis growers should not use it, its made to grow plants yes so its going to grow your plants but its not ment for plants your going to roll up and smoke. Its different for veggies and fruits and other thing like that because all those chemical left behind are filtered thru your liver and kidneys so it doesn't cause as much harm. But when you smoke a plant with mg all those chems are going straight to you bloodstream with no filter. When you grow outdoors its really hard to do a proper flush so those chemicals that's in mg are getting into your body.
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If price is why people use Miracle Grow, I suggest they look at Grow More Sea Grow. It's quite inexpensive.

I grew my first 1-1/2 auto plants using GH Flora series. In the middle of the 2nd plant I switched to Grow More (2 weeks before bloom nutes). It's doing remarkably well. It looks healthier (but that could be making fewer mistakes after getting my first grow under my belt.).

So far I'm very impressed with how my plants (I'm 3 weeks into my third plant, using Sea Grow from seedling). I like the simplicity of scooping dry powder -- compared to mixing 3 bottles at varying ratios. I guess I won't be able to judge performance until I harvest and sample.
ok here's where i don't get it. Its fertilizer, so what "other chemicals" does it contain? Its minerals and mineral chelates just like any other " non organic" fertilizer. So unless there is some other compounds added to it, I don't see where its any difference than say General Hydroponics, etc. There are two things to not like about it: 1. the ratio of the minerals, and 2. Scotts and Miracle Grow are owned by Monsanto. How about posting the link to the article. I'm one for checking facts because I'm skeptical about BUT, it raises a red flag to me whenever I see a story with no links to back up any of the suppositions ( they are not facts until they are backed up with references )A story stating that So and So univeristy did a study and doesn't provide links to the data is more often than not, nothing more than fear mongering. The web is full of sites that use half truths to play on peoples fears. I'm not saying there is or isn't credence to this story, but it looks pretty shaky to me, and to tell the truth, every other MG bashing article I've read is also lacking in any factual basis to back it up.
From Organic Gardening Magazine, July/August 2000 Issue.

Miracle-Gro is a synthetic fertilizer that contains ammonium phosphate and several other chemicals that can be toxic to your soil and plants. It is prohibited from use in certified-organic farming. Here’s what soil expert Robert Parnes, Ph.D., says in his book Fertile Soil: "[Ammonium fertilizer] acidifies the soil, and thus it is probably more harmful to soil organisms than any other nitrogen fertilizer . . . . The application has to be timed carefully and placed properly to avoid burning the leaves and roots . . . . In addition, ammonium tends to inhibit the release of . . . potassium . . . Ammonium fertilizers are deliberately manufactured to be spread at high application rates in order to obtain maximum yields with no regard to adverse effects on the soil. Probably nowhere is the conflict between the mass production of food to feed the world and the preservation of the soil more obvious than in the confrontation over the use of either ammonium fertilizers or liquid ammonia."

Also said it contained unsafe levels of copper and zinc
And you really think monsanto has to label everything they put into their fert? That's just like saying ciggerette companies tell the truth about their products.monsanto has been sued over mg products that there enough for me to stay away from it