Why is my top colas drooping?

Maybe just a guess does look big
How much yield? I generally am happy with and usually get ≥1 gram of buds/day of growth. For ex., about 2 oz. after 2 months, ~4 oz at 100 days (if goes that long).
I could offer some suggestions for your next grow maybe as im assuming that you're finished already.

Firstly, it always chafes my balls when I see people using hydroponic nutrients in the soil. If you want to use salt-based nutrients as you have been but still want to treat your plants as if they are in the soil, just use 100% coco coir. Using hydro nutes in soil makes dealing with fuck ups very very tedious compared to if you had just used bio tabs or some other slow-release organic stuff.

Secondly, Always read the instructions on the nutrient your using from the manufacturer's website so you know EXACTLY what you can and can't do with it. based on your feeding schedule it does come to my attention that you may have been using this three-part formula incorrectly.

2 ml/l with micro
4 ml/l with grow
2 ml/l with bloom

should never have been attempted with THIS nutrient line. They tell you that it needs to be added in three equal parts, you shouldn't deviate from this as you could be causing lock-out issues. for example i think canna A and B base nutrients are similar you do not ever ever ever add them in unequal proportions. that not to say you cant use other boosters once the base formulation has been added but dont try to do anything fancy with the ratios you are instructed to use they are there for a reason. Finally, i take it you did not know that there is a specific order that your meant to mix up micro grow bloom. specifically, you dilute Micro, then grow, then boom, that is the correct order to mix it as stated on the advanced nutrient website.

There may be some base nutrients you can add in unequal proportions. advanced nutrient micro grows bloom is not one of them. take care happy growing.
I could offer some suggestions for your next grow maybe as im assuming that you're finished already.

Firstly, it always chafes my balls when I see people using hydroponic nutrients in the soil. If you want to use salt-based nutrients as you have been but still want to treat your plants as if they are in the soil, just use 100% coco coir. Using hydro nutes in soil makes dealing with fuck ups very very tedious compared to if you had just used bio tabs or some other slow-release organic stuff.

Secondly, Always read the instructions on the nutrient your using from the manufacturer's website so you know EXACTLY what you can and can't do with it. based on your feeding schedule it does come to my attention that you may have been using this three-part formula incorrectly.

2 ml/l with micro
4 ml/l with grow
2 ml/l with bloom

should never have been attempted with THIS nutrient line. They tell you that it needs to be added in three equal parts, you shouldn't deviate from this as you could be causing lock-out issues. for example i think canna A and B base nutrients are similar you do not ever ever ever add them in unequal proportions. that not to say you cant use other boosters once the base formulation has been added but dont try to do anything fancy with the ratios you are instructed to use they are there for a reason. Finally, i take it you did not know that there is a specific order that your meant to mix up micro grow bloom. specifically, you dilute Micro, then grow, then boom, that is the correct order to mix it as stated on the advanced nutrient website.

There may be some base nutrients you can add in unequal proportions. advanced nutrient micro grows bloom is not one of them. take care happy growing.

Thanks so much for taking the time to learn me!

I’ve just followed the instructions that stands at the bottle, and they tell me to mix UNEQUAL proportions during veg/bloom..

But when i go to their website and use the calculator, they tell me to use EQUAL proportions..?

So im very confused! Why do they say both things at their website?

Here is a picture of the instructions at the bottle:
Thanks so much for taking the time to learn me!

I’ve just followed the instructions that stands at the bottle, and they tell me to mix UNEQUAL proportions during veg/bloom..

But when i go to their website and use the calculator, they tell me to use EQUAL proportions..?

So im very confused! Why do they say both things at their website?

Here is a picture of the instructions at the bottle:View attachment 1374923

omg bro im so sorry actually my fault i actually mistook the nutrient line that this was. i thought this was their ph perfect triplet not the jungle juice triplet. you actually would have been fine mixing unequal amuonts of this line. As you've just shown they do instruct you to do this so yes you were perfectly fine so dont worry about that. my mistake
However though i do think that my point about matching the nutrient to the specific medium your growing in is really really important. the fact that jungle juice is a hydroponic nutrient is still very important in my opinion. if your in soil, you'll have a much more straight forward time using biotabs or another slow release type fertilizer.

If you like the style of growing that your doing now and don't want to change much of what your doing. id suggest you jump onto the coco coir bandwagon. Judging by the information you provided at the start. Your growing style is completely identical to what a coco coir grower would be doing. literally, if you wanted to make the switch to coco coir hydroponics the only thing you'd need to do is grab some cocoa and pop the seed inside and then change nothing else about what your doing. (you'd need to water to 20% run-off but that's minor)

On Instagram iv talked to so many newer growers who start out using these salt-based fertilizers in soil. it CAN WORK but if you grabbed some coco coir you'd have a much simpler time. Imagine for instance your top cola droop was caused by salt buildup or overfertilization which can easily happen using hydro nutes in soil (iv seen varients of this so many damn times), if you had coco all you'd have to do is flush out all the salt, this cant be easily done in soil due to its high nutrient holding capacity. id say that to be honest there isnt really much that your doing wrong, the fact that you managed to complete the run anyways is a testament to that.
However though i do think that my point about matching the nutrient to the specific medium your growing in is really really important. the fact that jungle juice is a hydroponic nutrient is still very important in my opinion. if your in soil, you'll have a much more straight forward time using biotabs or another slow release type fertilizer.

If you like the style of growing that your doing now and don't want to change much of what your doing. id suggest you jump onto the coco coir bandwagon. Judging by the information you provided at the start. Your growing style is completely identical to what a coco coir grower would be doing. literally, if you wanted to make the switch to coco coir hydroponics the only thing you'd need to do is grab some cocoa and pop the seed inside and then change nothing else about what your doing. (you'd need to water to 20% run-off but that's minor)

On Instagram iv talked to so many newer growers who start out using these salt-based fertilizers in soil. it CAN WORK but if you grabbed some coco coir you'd have a much simpler time. Imagine for instance your top cola droop was caused by salt buildup or overfertilization which can easily happen using hydro nutes in soil (iv seen varients of this so many damn times), if you had coco all you'd have to do is flush out all the salt, this cant be easily done in soil due to its high nutrient holding capacity. id say that to be honest there isnt really much that your doing wrong, the fact that you managed to complete the run anyways is a testament to that.

Thank you so much for the info! Will try coco next time!
My Bubblegum Auto is still going strong!
Day 54 now and well into flowering.
70 cm in height. Have been doing very much LST, happy with the results!

Only «problem» is some older fan leaves yellowing and dying. I guess this is normal?

I have 2 questions:

Can someone «guess» how much this is gonna yield? How many grams? Or is that impossible to guess?
Using 100W led.
And how long is it before harvest? 2-3 weeks?

I usually figure 90 days from germ to harvest-some require a longer time.
So 54 days means you probably have approximately 36 days to go
If you go with coco, make sure your nutrients are good for coco. :thumbsup: Fertigate from the off at about 0.6-0.8ec. Start to fertigate to run off of 20% in week 3. Should only need to water every 2 maybe 3 days until then.
Good luck,