White Widow x (Lowryder#2 x Orangebud ) f2 go to f3

Hi friends
Plants are not strong enough i will stop that breeding line because i dont want scrap seeds and poor plants.
After my Orange Assault seed run i will start a new breeding project.
cu tobe
to bad on that one, whats next for ya? Since you like DP one breeding project i was thinking of trying with there lines is to find fully autoflowering genetics in there outdoor variety the classic purple #1...its a super early flowering 50/50 sativa indica bred outdoors in holland for like 30 years...everything resistant starts flowering in early july.
not recommended for indoors...one reason is they just seem to start flowering on there own :)

possibly get some ruderless auto genetics. and some outdoor breed powerful growth factor
Hi TomAuto
I got three strains for a photo auto project but i dont know at the moment what i will use.
the photo strains i got are.
Jaggen: its a legend strain form a breeder in my country who died in 2011 and i own 4 seeds that was a gift from him.

el fuego del shiva: a gift from a Spanish collective my mostly liked photo strain.

Skunk#1: from Dp

On the auto site i plan to use my OrangeAssault or Lowryder#2,
cu tobe
use the LR2 on the Shiva
the OA on the sk1

breed them both to stable

then you can cross them for growing seed for true f1's with good hybreed vigor

but that might take awhile
use the LR2 on the Shiva
the OA on the sk1

breed them both to stable

then you can cross them for growing seed for true f1's with good hybreed vigor

but that might take awhile
Hi TomAuto
i know it takes time in my other project i cross a lowryder2 with orangebud breed them to auto and cross in a autoAK47 then i breed them to f3 and call them OrangeAssault, at the moment i do a seed run to generation f4.
cu tobe
Great , nice project , sounds like some nice stuff. I made a few crosses myself, no real breeding project , just wanted a good supply of auto seeds to learn with.

now to figure out what to do with seeded harvest....

need 2 build a 2 stage tumbler, one with screen just small enough to catch seeds then a second one to sift trichomes... the rest than can be made into butter for cookies
Exiting work @tobe!

What about potency? In my book, stronger is better.
Hi all
I stop this project but i got one plant alive all the others got killed and i decided to show some pics of the plant.

