I let the remaining alcohol evaporate from the waste material, dry it and compost it. Most of my compost is now buried directing into my raised beds.

Been trying to nail this aspect down budelee.
I've seen mention elsewhere of using the washed material for poultices and such but I hadn't come across specifics yet.

I'll be tryin' my hand at QWET tomorrow prolly. Leaf has been in the freezer since 10am this morning.
Anyhoo, 1st and foremost, how do you store the washed material prior to the next extraction? Back in the freezer or dry it out or ......
are you reclaiming your alcohol? damn everclear is freaking expensive! I'm going to get an electric distiller to reclaim mine.

Hi @olderthandirt ,what i do,and its prolly not the only way,is I let it dry out,then put it back in mason jars,i have shown in this thread how i use the bags to run different grades of bubble hash,ive also documented several gumby hash runs,ive also shown a second wash using the QWISO method and QWET method with material still wet,there is plenty of trichs left,its just a lower grade due to the chlorophyll pickup..With methods such as RSO,the chlorophyll is supposed to be there so not a big deal..the second washed material can also be used for butter/coco extractions, but do not do this with Iso ran material due to the possibility of Iso contaminating the edibles(not good)...
The problem can be the spores. Even dead, somepeople are alergic to them, and some strains can be midly toxic. Using a 5micron vacuum filter would remove the spores
Thanks pop22, i will look at them again before deciding. dont want to get sick because of my mistake !

I wish i ran enough extracts to afford a reclaim machine .
not sure how good it is, but there's a guy modifying water distillers to run at lower heat for alcohol distilling. I'm going to try one soon. I think they sell for around $140. I found them on ebay

Thanks pop22, i will look at them again before deciding. dont want to get sick because of my mistake !

I wish i ran enough extracts to afford a reclaim machine .
The problem can be the spores. Even dead, somepeople are alergic to them, and some strains can be midly toxic. Using a 5micron vacuum filter would remove the spores
That's exactly what I was thinking. These days I avoid any form of vaccination which often is just a killed virus or bacterium or part of such.
Here's some QWET I made in the Magical Butter Machine, saved some in a small bottle for green dragon. I've 2 large jars waiting top be evaped as I only do it outside, in my shed this time of year, too cold to do indoors with a window open and a fan. Outside, I use a hot water bath heated by a hot plate to 160F.

green dragon large-pic1.jpg
green dragon small-pic1.jpg
Nice! a tad pricey though....
I so want one of those little machines..ive been contacting them at least a few times a month and i cant even get them to do an interview with us..maybe if more people from this site started bugging them ,they might cave, their base is about 70 miles from where i live