So I'm doing another run this morning this time I'm doing about 4 ounces of I think it was Flower Bomb Kush. I was analyzing my method yesterday I lost about about a quarter of a pint and a half pint of alcohol out of 2/5. I think that was probably evaporation and a large part in the filters and still in the material. So what I'm trying to do now is reduce the evaporation with this aluminum foil.

All right it took me an hour and 10 minutes to wash and filter four ounces cannabis and I managed to get all my stuff into the dishwasher so now I'm going to use my mega home still to cook that down to about a half a pint.



My theory is the more solvent you use the more cannabinoids you will get into solution. At least if you're doing a very short wash. So I used three and a half fifth of Everclear in the wash.
Okay tomorrow I'm going to process some Colombian gold so I weighed it out and decided what I'm going to keep this first flowers for smoke and what I'm going to process.


I like big budd so I separate out the larger ones.


I'll keep about an ounce.


Since I'm a smoke this I'm going to go ahead and decarb. Usually I break the bud up with my fingers and get rid of all the stems, but I'm into speed today so I'm going to chop it up.



So after about an hour-and-a-half total time I wash filter and started cooking down 4 ounces. I now have three and a half ounces of cannabis in the oven decarbing. I will measure out the stuff that's in the oven with one cup measuring cups. That'll give me 13 to 15 grams per pint.


So I will do a half hour in the oven at 170 I'll keep the foil on to hang on to the turpenes I like 170 because that's as low as my oven goes some people go as high as 220 but I found that my oven will range that high to maintain 170.
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One note I should make if you're going to de-carb with foil on top like I do you need to make sure you dry your weed is totally dry before you go in the oven. A lot of times guys will be decarb open and get rid of all their turpenes and dry the weed out of the same time.

So after a half-hour in the oven I took my pan out and stuck it in the fridge to cool again since I'm totally into time. Once cool enough to let the turpenes kind of settled back down in the herb jarred it up.


That's my run for tomorrow all ready to go in the freezer. My alcohol is about half reclaimed after about an hour in the still the second half of the distilling will go quicker. So I think I'll have about an hour and 30 or 45 minutes in the distiller by the time I'm done.

Now I just need to make some brownies and smoke a little more Colombian gold and I will be done with my cannabis processing this morning.
Okay here's my finished product, because I started off with what I thought was kind of a weak strain. I decided to mark it as three times Flower Bomb Kush. That'll just let me think of that as three ounces even though it was actually more. This will probably end up being used for butter anyway.


Oh yeah that dropper bottle in back I made with a quarter pound of Colombian gold. My wife has two or three drops every morning in her orange juice or her Coco.