And I just use a measuring cup, i don't weigh the weed. if your making a large batch, 2 cups of whatever and 2 1/2 cups of oil. I run oil at 180F for 2 hours

Thanks! I will definitely be asking you both questions when i start. im going out of town for thanksgiving so when i get back it will happen. I have to get some buds drying for the run. i have one jar drying already .

What happens if you run fresh cut buds? the ones with mold were only off the plant a week before getting nasty.
I'm willing to bet fresh bud is amazing! Depends if you tolerate chlorophyll well or not. If you run fresh, you can also leave it out in sunlight for a while to break down the chlorophyll. I recently read that light doest not break down thc easily. It makes sense when you think about how hash is made in Morocco etc., where they pile plants on roofs of sheds for weeks until they process it. There's be no thc left!

Thanks! I will definitely be asking you both questions when i start. im going out of town for thanksgiving so when i get back it will happen. I have to get some buds drying for the run. i have one jar drying already .

What happens if you run fresh cut buds? the ones with mold were only off the plant a week before getting nasty.
Im gonna stash this video here until the MBM thread is started,she does a good job of covering the formulas for dosing
This ine has a 50$ off code
Hi @olderthandirt... I let it dry out,then put it back in mason jars,i have shown in this thread how i ...
Indeed there have been a lot of great directions to take QWET in in this thread, good stuff all 'round!
I'm going for tincture for starters, baby steps. I've a mind that using the alcohol based tincture as a "base" I can play with a variety of delivery methods on down the road.

...the second washed material can also be used for butter/coco extractions, but do not do this with Iso ran material due to the possibility of Iso contaminating the edibles(not good)...
In this house ISO is for cleaning glass. Ingested or as a topical, nope.

Thankee, looking forward to your take on making topicals
are you reclaiming your alcohol? damn everclear is freaking expensive! I'm going to get an electric distiller to reclaim mine.
I've been looking at at various stills to use for reclaiming the alcohol.
I'll certainly need to get something together if I pursue making extracts, that 190 proof grain alcohol is pricey for shore!
I've been looking at at various stills to use for reclaiming the alcohol.
I'll certainly need to get something together if I pursue making extracts, that 190 proof grain alcohol is pricey for shore!
All the stuff ive ran would have paid for bunch of equipment..i can get as low as 37 per 1/2 gallon which is still expensive.especially when i can run a gallon per weekend!!!
That's the price here abouts also. Not cheap by any means. I used the Clear Springs this go, $0.75 less than the Everclear (-:
I put it in coffee, and sometimes in icecream lol!
Indeed there have been a lot of great directions to take QWET in in this thread, good stuff all 'round!
I'm going for tincture for starters, baby steps. I've a mind that using the alcohol based tincture as a "base" I can play with a variety of delivery methods on down the road.

In this house ISO is for cleaning glass. Ingested or as a topical, nope.

Thankee, looking forward to your take on making topicals