Harvest & Curing Where to dry?

Jan 18, 2021
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Hi everyone, I just checked my Fat Banana Auto and seems like in a few days it will be ready for harvest (about 50% amber and curled pistils, trichomes turning cloudy). So I'm going to flush mostly because I had a very high runoff ppm (more than 900 ppm). I will flush with phd tap water and measure the runoff, until is low enough.

I have a few questions:

- should I let the plant into the soil until the soil and/or the plant is completely dry?
- I'm also growing another plant, which is more or less 2 week far from harvest. So I don't know where to dry the Fat Banana... I was thinking to wet trim the branches and put them inside a brown paper bag into the grow tent. It's a shitty idea?
I know that the optimal would be to hang 'em upside down in a dark place and then put the buds into the brown paper bag. Still, I don't have any space in the closet and I need to keep the odour under control as much as possible. So.. putting trimmed branches straight into the paper bag would do the trick?

Any advice? Thanks!!
Where I live controlling odors is a must. I've used these the past 2 runs:

I've also used Lawn + Garden paper bags, these are double lined and HUGE.....They will work, if u use them put a few pinholes in it and keep it rolled up tightly. Open it for 10 minutes a day and roll it back up. Either way you go it will take about 6 or 7 days.
Put them in a brown paper bag for five days broken down into the buds you want like aestheticly with kiefy leaves left on check bag after five days if buds aren't huge size they should dry in 5 days don't open the bag. There is a thread on here about it. Keep your temps 60-68 don't dry in your grow way too hot. The bag tech will work good even if you have no humidity. If your humidity is past 65 I'm not sure if the bag tech will work but it made really nice buds for me when I couldn't keep rh high enough. Also try to have the bag or dry on a wire rack so you have air exchange. You toss the buds around once a day.
The Wedryer does a great job...I was skeptical at first but those things are great for odor control and perfectly dried buds.......
You could use the grow room if it's not in the tent and cool enough in room but you don't want to use any place with hot lights or high temps. If you are concerned about odor maybe try one of those luckily I don't have to worry so no carbon filter
I just finished trying this bag method Worked great going to try again on next run :smoking: :goodluck:
WeDryer seems really cool, but it wont arrive in time, I'm planning to harvest this sunday and on the top of that I'm pretty tight on budget lately. But I will for sure come back to it.

I just finished trying this bag method Worked great going to try again on next run :smoking: :goodluck:

Unfortunately my fridge is a shit, often I found the wall freezed and I don't want to ruin the batch because it can't regulate properly. Thanks however mate!:cheers:

Put them in a brown paper bag for five days broken down into the buds you want like aestheticly with kiefy leaves left on check bag after five days if buds aren't huge size they should dry in 5 days don't open the bag. There is a thread on here about it. Keep your temps 60-68 don't dry in your grow way too hot. The bag tech will work good even if you have no humidity. If your humidity is past 65 I'm not sure if the bag tech will work but it made really nice buds for me when I couldn't keep rh high enough. Also try to have the bag or dry on a wire rack so you have air exchange. You toss the buds around once a day.

So let me recap to check if I got it right: cut the plant, wet trim branches, cut off in buds.
Then can I put them inside the brown bag and hang the bag into the grow tent? It has an LED light, not much hot (between 22 to 15°C of ambient temperature), RH is pretty stable around 45-55%.

Applying the "10% rule", I estimated 5 to 6 days of drying. My main questions are:
  • Would the brown bag be enough to protect the buds from the reflected light inside the grow tent?
  • Should I close tight the brown bag or leave it open?
  • Should I do a separate bag for the trimmed stuff to do kief? I was planning to put them in the freezer for a few days and collect the kief with the grinder. But if there are quicked methods please tell me :D
WeDryer seems really cool, but it wont arrive in time, I'm planning to harvest this sunday and on the top of that I'm pretty tight on budget lately. But I will for sure come back to it.

Unfortunately my fridge is a shit, often I found the wall freezed and I don't want to ruin the batch because it can't regulate properly. Thanks however mate!:cheers:

So let me recap to check if I got it right: cut the plant, wet trim branches, cut off in buds.
Then can I put them inside the brown bag and hang the bag into the grow tent? It has an LED light, not much hot (between 22 to 15°C of ambient temperature), RH is pretty stable around 45-55%.

Applying the "10% rule", I estimated 5 to 6 days of drying. My main questions are:
  • Would the brown bag be enough to protect the buds from the reflected light inside the grow tent?
  • Should I close tight the brown bag or leave it open?
  • Should I do a separate bag for the trimmed stuff to do kief? I was planning to put them in the freezer for a few days and collect the kief with the grinder. But if there are quicked methods please tell me :D
Id only cut fan leaves. Anything with resin let dry then trim idk about in tent with light. You want 60-68f. Don't open for five days seal the bag fold it down 3 times and keep it clothespinned etc. Only one layer of bud. Don't want to squish
@Kyote helped me thru it
In the end I went this way: 3 paper bags, only bottom layer of nugs, put on a cardboard to avoid direct contact with the floor. RH is about 40%, i will open the bag in 4 days from the trimming and sometimes a gentle shake. Hope this works!!


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Why wait 4 days to open the bag?

When I use paper bags I open them daily......and I do not SHAKE the bag at all, trichs will be lost from the buds. I move the buds around by hand and put pinholes (3 or 4) in the bag. I use giant Lawn and Garden paper bags and roll them up and stick them in a dresser drawer.