Where The Green Grass Grows!

Three gallon. The Cherry cheese skunk are frost monsters with rock hard nugs. Easy grow. Narcotic Zkittles were a little finicky but not too bad, another smooth grow. Chop is soon and as always, the proof is in the smoke. As an aside, just put two Orange Bubblegum in the ground today.
What was the deal with Narcotic Zkittles, I have some seed and will drop the after my Crinkle cuts are done. What did it like or not like?
Nutes, NZ , just needed a lighter dose of MC than the CCS . Became apparent right away so it was a simple fix.
I found NZ was N sensitive. My pheno got very good size, with thin leaves. A relaxing buzz. Pics in the very early posts on this thread.
Day 56 Alien Moonrocks
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I have grown quite a bit over the decades...... I have tons of experience.... when my Alien Moonrocks plant was growing I knew it would be special, just by how she looked and smelled. After curing, Alien Moonrocks is one of the MOST POTENT strains I have ever grown, and for the few who know who I actually am, that is a big statement.
I have grown quite a bit over the decades...... I have tons of experience.... when my Alien Moonrocks plant was growing I knew it would be special, just by how she looked and smelled. After curing, Alien Moonrocks is one of the MOST POTENT strains I have ever grown, and for the few who know who I actually am, that is a big statement.

I would agree very potent and the smell is intoxicating.
I just wanted to say to everyone posting on the Alien Moon Rocks how freaking awesome you guys are. I grabbed a pair about 6 months ago (maybe longer at this point) and really wanted to grow them out. I couldn't because there wasn't enough information and with my set-up I have to be specially selective with spacing and wasn't willing to toss an unknown in there.

It's great seeing so much information and pictures being put up. I'm definitely throwing her into my next run.